Today I pray for the minds of men and women to awaken to their true calling in life. I pray for the healing of human minds that choose to kill and destroy life to get more reasoning. I pray that people understand people and start acting as though they care. I pray for the strength and wisdom necessary to survive the present moment all that lies ahead.
I pray for my children and grandchildren to find a meaningful purpose within their own lives. I pray for our ancestors to help us heal the minds and actions of men everywhere.
I pray for the poor to find food and warmth and jobs if needed. I pray for every single soul upon this planet to realize this is simply one rung of the ladder of lights they will need to progress beyond death.
I pray that we as a people begin to understand we all want and need the same things and that money release its power to take over and hold the world hostage. I pray for equality in life and death.
I ask people to look inward rather than outward and to embrace the true light that sustains all life.
I trust in the higher principals of all life; esoteric as well as exoteric.