We as a whole are moving into greater connection and awareness of our Divinity as a people. More and more children are being born with full blown gifts of music and evolvement. Pianists as young as four years old playing Mozart and full throated singers as young as eight and nine singing as well as star singers from today and the past.
Genius children, going to college at very young ages, becoming scientists and collegiate teachers. Young people choosing to take a stand about Global Warming and leading the way to save the Oceans and Rain Forests. Children so overwhelmed by what they feel taking their own lives. Two ends of the spectrum we need to see and understand.
As adults we are still trying to survive materially and balance that with our spirituality.
Right now this time is not about answers but questions. We must question everything and discern what is good and best for us. This is not being selfish but growing and learning. Be blessed and love yourself as well as Mother Earth. She needs your love, compassion and understanding.
Honor the four Elements of which all things of form are made of, Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
I Am Earth, I am Air, I Am fire and I am Water.