New Divine Mother message

We are here in the 4thdimension to assist and guide Earth and her children to a greater path of loving stability. Feeding one another is one way of showing abundance rather than showering the planet with money. You are each finding the love and kindness within yourself that brings about the deep truth within each of you, to participate within the awareness and expansion of love that causes perpetual growth will soon reap rewards for all.

This current alignment of planets is here to help with a great awakening of souls bringing memories of immortality. There is currently so much selfishness and monopoly of wealth that many feel safety in their monies and stubbornly hoard the pleasures of the physical life forgetting completely about their own souls needs and some are and will lose the ability to ascend to the higher planes of light. Doubting ones eternal self can cause one to lose the pleasure and understanding of an afterlife.

The disparity of beings due to their pay scales is astonishing as it does and has created a false sense of security; they believe they have the world at their fingertips and no longer wish to participate or understand the struggles of others.

Humans were designed and taught to be stewards of the land; instead too many humans believe they are entitled to destroy and disregard the very presence that gives them life and sustenance. Due to these selfish acts Gaia was dying at an unprecedented pace and her prayers are what bring us here now; us, being myself, Jesus, and our principalities of light, to help bring a much needed adjustment to the Earth plane.

Some wish to believe this current virus was created by humans to hurt one another. This is untrue; the earth’s greatest enemy is the people residing thereon. It takes but a moment to stop and think about this blessed Earth and stop littering or demeaning the Oceans. The oceans are not the dumping grounds for human life to sink ships and other unwanted trash.

What is currently befalling people is not to punish but help with the realization that Earth Mother needs some peace and love to restore her. Kindness and love do not cost money but consideration seems to be a problem for the unenlightened.

So I say, consider this, feeding one another is a consideration that takes place on many levels of your being. Food for thought, food for the soul, food for the body and spirit, all these things need help.