Nature’s Order

Nature’s Order
by Athene Raefiel

I shall here try to describe the explosions of energies that are affecting the synapses of life’s spinal column as well as its brain. We have all heard about the great conspiracy theories that are claimed to be controlling the energies and minds of those on this planet.

The pole shifts as well as the Ice melting into the already massive waters of the Earth at this time is occurring so that a natural order may ensue to sustain the survival and evolution of Earth and the species that depend upon her. This is not the first time that the ebb and flow of the waterways, their underground volcanic activity and moving sands have dislodged entire land masses and submerged them while others emerged. A historical study of Geology and water movements will show many times in the past that this has occurred.

Nature is a very complex union of organisms that allow the subsistence of other organisms to self perpetuate thereby feeding and sustaining one another. This is what is referred to as the order of nature. When the order of nature is disrupted by some major energetic cataclysm, such as an earthquake, volcano, bombs and human consciousness, a certain amount of wreckage occurs that affects not only the distance surrounding such an event, but also all other subsequent nature depending upon it.

This is like a mother’s milk going dry and her needing to find another mother with flowing milk to feed and nourish her child. What would be unnatural would be a mother asking another mother to breast feed her child when her own milk was flowing. In this sense the mother seeking another to replace what comes naturally would be defying the natural order.

Things quite similar to this have been taking place on Planet Earth for quite some time now. Humans like to call it trade and sometimes that is how it works, but mostly resources that come from one area, are sold to another, sometimes across oceans, when these same resources can be found, grown and mined where they are being shipped to. Why does this occur, well of course it is about money and commerce. It is sometimes as if progress itself is the seven- headed beast that cannot be satisfied no matter what it feeds upon. Is this a blessing or a curse?

In order for the species of man to survive the great changes the Earth will be experiencing over the next few decades and well into the next century there needs to be a new world order and it doesn’t have anything to do Governments Money or Wall Streets Money. I think, and so do many scientists and philosophers around the world, that progress must somehow find a way of aligning itself with the nature of Mother Earth.

This type of progress can only happen with realization and personal commitment on everyone’s part to expand the consciousness of this planets’ environment.

As Esoteric Teachings and Quantum Physics emphasize, all things are comprised of energy, this then means that energy in and of itself has life and is alive. This also means that there is no such thing as death, only transmutation of energetic particles. This being true then we must take it under advisement that there are probably beings who have deviated minds and choose to develop various energy conduits to manipulate and superimpose thought energies to disrupt and distract the ordinary individuals mind from revealing its true matrix to its carrier or owner.

The true matrix, or core being, is of course ESP or Extra Sensory Perception. We are a world of human beings whose programming has been about sensory deprivation. This has happened through the hardships of survival and the need to always progress. Since the animal part of our human nature is about conquering, we tend to be competitive and power hungry. Our sense perception in this case often lacks love and compassion and becomes all about winning.

True Extra Sensory Perception involves the whole being. Though our lives are filled with obstacles that we must confront and overcome, with true sense perception this is done on many different inner levels of our being allowing us true growth and evolution. Our inner senses need to be as highly developed as our outer senses if we are to understand and change the course of current destruction facing Mother Earth and her inhabitants.

If we know it will be hard and a struggle to overcome the old and very powerful programs that keep us feeling helpless and unmotivated, then we already know that we must seek new disciplines to break the spellbinding mirage of what we have accepted truth to be.

To put it more plainly, each individual must search out the inner core truth and being within them and may have to remove huge boulders of lies and accepted deceit in order to do so. In this particular span of earth time, this seems to be a very necessary yet ongoing process that most tire of and some simply give up.

A major shift in the Universe, the Cosmos, The heavens and Planet Earth happened in November 2008. It was and has been like an entire equation was erased from the chalkboard of life and destiny, as it had been known for a very long period of time. This equation had to do with the perception of reality on a grand scale.

This shift has brought about a great time of reckoning that is completely necessary for a new balance of energies and love to abound in the millenniums to come.

Do not give up on yourself or your core being during this period and do not give up on the Divine Light of emanation that soon will shine