Message from The Divine Mother

Message from the Divine Mother

Children of the Light,

I come to you today to give an update on how I am working with Mother Earth and her Children. The changes now happening to Earth Children are vast and many. Many hybrid children are currently awakening and assisting with the consciousness of the planet. These are gifted persons aiding the Divine in its purpose at this time. Many from the Pleadian and Sirius sectors are being fully briefed on the urgency to elevate the consciousness of souls so they may remember where they have come from and use that map to get back to the heavens and restore peace in the hearts of mankind.

You are in the middle of a massive transformation that began back in 1986 and has now reached a pinnacle of growing evolution upon your planet. Within each and every living breathing soul is contained a large amount of information that can eliminate the pain and sadness in Earthlings. This will and can be done through raising your frequencies and vibrations. Continually reach higher and forgive the past, the Light is your mother and father this is whom you want to return to after death.

There is a rumor going around that the Divine are really extraterrestrials nothing could be further from the truth. Yes there are many beings currently residing in the Earth plane there to assist us as well as you “Within my father’s house there are many mansions”. Evolution is a massive undertaking of steps and realms to be discovered.

Earth Mother has had to re-align herself due to the devastation brought about by humans. She is not vindictive, as some may think, she is simply caring for those that live in the oceans as well as nature itself. It was to her cries that I answered and come to help her restore much of the beauty now being used and destroyed for simply wealth gains.

Humans were created to nurture and care for the Earth using what they needed and replacing other things of simply greed and avarice. Yet wars have been ongoing to covet needed resources and gain from them.

The massive Earth changes and plagues will continue until people restore some semblance of balance within themselves. So long as governments continue to stifle the nature of human beings by not allowing a natural process of the soul, violence will continue.

All of those who die in ignorance have also lived in ignorance and their safety net failed them. Fear of modern medicine to heal them has often caused them to lose their life.

You are each and every one of yourselves a creator of your destiny. When you refuse the help given to you through science, you refuse the gift from god, goddess, all that is, as well. Miracles come in many forms.

Continue to utilize the spiritual tools that are available to you let your light guide you. Use intuition allowing it to become a friend that resides within. Develop your inner senses and heighten your awareness. Learn to hear what the elements are speaking. Go to the sacred places and meditate while listening with your intuitive mind translating what Earth, Air, Fire and water are saying to you. Honor the earth often using sage and other offerings to heal her. Bless yourself often with waters of earth using oils to fragrance yourself.

Release and let go of the past as it is holding you back. Take advantage of the Spiritual teachers you are led to, there is always more to learn, discover the power of symbols and meditate upon them to find the inner meanings they hold.

Pray often acknowledging the “I AM” as the spark of light residing within you and all life. Honor the beauty within nature and discover your natural self. Be kind and honor others in a positive manner. You shall find you also receive what you give out.

You are unique in your singularity, yet part of a soul group, working together to achieve bliss and freedom from your shackles. Remember you are aiding one another in this spirit development. Confront and transmute your fears by bringing them into your inner light and love. Overcome fear so that your shackles can be removed.

Use the Violet Flame of Sanctus Germanis, this is a powerful tool to transmute negativity. Re-train your thinking process to aid you in your higher mind and thinking, your God mind. Find how to trust the correct thinking and feeling self, become your own best friend and surrender to your soul and spirit path daily. Create the “you” that you can love and be now and always.

Know how to listen to your inner voice and overcome your ego. Do not try to force your beliefs on others.

All these things I state are for your betterment, you may share them with others of like mind.

Call upon and invoke the Angels and teachers of light that you discover along the way. They are here to assist and guide you on your spiritual journey. Heal the child within as this child is your innocence and purity, this is your inner unconditional self, heed this.

The Divine is all around you, create a sacred place where we are welcome.

Bless yourself and others with love and understanding, be compassionate.

You can call upon me at any time and I will send you the teachers that you need.

Blessings and goodness to each of you.

In Love the Divine Mother