Major Transformation

This past year has been a major and transformative process for all of you. Let yourselves now reflect on the vast amount of change that has ensued in your life, and acknowledge the growth you have attained from it. Realize how much you have lived your life out of obligation and guilt and renew your commitment to change that behavior within yourself. Life is for the living and we do not live life by sticking our head in the dreary mistakes of the past and wallowing there. No matter what the challenges, life experience is meant to be lived to its highest potential. Pat yourself on the back a little and approve of the challenges that you have already met and worked through this lifetime. See what a special and wonderful person of wisdom and knowledge you’ve become because of them. Release all the bitterness you can find within, and surrender to the new and uncharted territory your life now holds.  Here are some affirmations to use:

“I am confident.” “I am happy.” “I am deserving.”” I am loved.” “I am worthy.”” I am Light.”” I am abundance.” “ I am special” “ I am successful.”