Often people find it hard to slow their own brain down long enough to really listen to what the other person is saying. Because of this they don’t have an opportunity to process what is being said.
Too often we have an answer to a question we never took the time to really hear or understand. Because of this we often jump to conclusions way too quickly.
Listening is an art and should be treated as such, to answer a question before we really realize what is being said is how we accidentally cut people off without meaning to. It is the same when we are trying to hear what spirit is trying to get across and continually find our own mind gets in our way. Listening is done in many ways. Knowing what we are listening for and also how we feel about it takes a few seconds to digest.
Spirit mostly communicates with us though our feeling selves. If we can’t understand our own feelings, we will probably miss their message. Learning to discern how and why we feel the way we do is mandatory if we want to develop our intuition and inner knowing. Because we have been taught throughout life to ignore our feelings and suppress them, this can be very challenging at times. Pretending we feel differently than we do can be very self-deceiving.
Self-development is an awesome experience but can be very difficult when we wait till much later in life to bother with it. Life often keeps us so distracted that we may never do it. It is a personal choice. Making such a choice can be difficult to follow through with, but ultimately is so very soul freeing allowing you to truly discover your inner light and live a more fulfilling life.