Lecture Series

Wow and hello, time got away from me recently and I did not advertise this coming Sunday the 26th will be the first of my new lecture series from 1-3pm. Please call me to save a place for you. RSVP (719) 598-8158 Athene ;and your friends!
This Sunday’s talk will be about Divinity and The Divine Mother now working with the Planet and her peoples.
How Spirit works with us in daily life and how to follow the new energies now operating in the third, fourth and fifth Dimensions
Hoe you can make it the next time I will hold one of these gatherings and share who The Ascended Masters are will be Sunday February 9th,, 1 to 3pm.
Must RSVP to receive the address in Village Seven 80917, to hold you spot.
Asking for a $20.00 donation at time of event, but all donations excepted.
This year promises to be and extraordinary event for those seeking to move up the ladder spiritually and utilize them to assist in what you wish to manifest while helping others grow.
Thanks in advance, time for Light Workers to excel.
Blessed Be, Athene