We are always using out intuition in a variety of ways. Often I hear “I don’t know why I simply feel this is best.” Or I can’t explain it I just know this is the better thing to do or not.
Our intuition is always turned on yet we fear that what we think we feel might not be right. Developing your intuition is key to sensing spirit vibrations and trusting yourself.
Using a heightened sense of awareness is key to channeling spirit and attuning to these higher frequencies. Spirit often speaks to us though our intuition and awareness, this is different than emotion, yet similar. Intuition is achieved by tapping the silence within and understanding various frequencies; also being able to separate emotion from feeling understanding. To do this it is said “you must get out of your own way,” simply speaking you must not let your thinking mind and emotional self interfere with the messages received.
Sounds a bit complicated and silly, yet it is the only way to clarity of inner self. Inner self being the refined senses on an inner level. Just as we have the five outer senses so do we have these in an inner level. Just as there are many vibrations throughout the universe and the heavens, so have we such attunements within ourselves that must be developed in order to be used.
Asking spirit to send us a sign is the most popular use of this inner energy. signs come in different forms to different people. A popular sign has become a totem animal as well as signals in sky and clouds. We must all begin with yes and no questions to begin practicing.
Spirits are numerous and often those who have died become disincarnate spirits, we do not want to speaking with “Uncle Bob” and thinking this is an angel or other spirit guide of a more spiritual order.
Practicing automatic writing is an easy and simple way to identify whom you are speaking with.