Good Day to be aligned.

Good day all you beautiful people. Well the cosmic energies have been very intense this year December looks very , very challenging.

I believe the Divine Mother will be fully entering the Earth plane with her entourage of Divine helpers in December 2019.

Astronomers have discovered a massive black hole 70 times the size of our sun recently and they are baffled that it had never been seen before, this is the portal she is coming through to see us.

Due to the massive energy she carries this month of November 2019 is a perfect time to work on ourselves and raise our vibrations. Perfect time to study and use Chakra alignments and be able to anchor with her vibrations when she is fully here.

My CD at has three exercises on one Cd, For Aligning and healing self with the chakras. It is inexpensive to download to your computer or whatever electronic device you use; can be very helpful in these upcoming times. Just enter my name Athene Raefiel to find my CD’s and there should also be a sample you can listen to Also go to my website to hear samples.

There will be a complete change in frequency when she arrives and many will call it the Second coming of Christ. This December will prove to be a vibrational experience we will never forget.

Many blessings of love and Joy to you all.