Dreams and Interpretations I NEW!
By: Athene Raefiel
Once we embark into the vivid world of dreaming we begin noticing that we really do see many differences in what we are experiencing and learning from our dreams. Like all other Metaphysical tools, when we practice and pay attention to dreaming we begin to see a wide variety of changes in our evolutionary stages of advancement that dreams hold.
Often, when on our spiritual path, we need to begin getting in touch with our memories of Higher- Self and Angels and Teachers of Light. By using some techniques of self-hypnosis we can start putting ourselves in alternate states of consciousness before falling asleep helping us tune into different levels of consciousness as well as having better memory of our dreams.
Of course there will always be times that we do not remember what we dream, this is natural and normal. There are many depths within the unconscious and subconscious mind that we are not yet privy to, yet we still have the ability to learn from the many dreams we do remember and heighten our spiritual awareness and evolutionary process.
Since dreaming is done in different levels it is sometimes hard to use the same interpretation of something in every dream. For instance there is an interpretation of water in dreams that seems to hold pretty sure for all dreams. That is that water represents emotions, the subconscious mind, potentialities, and flow of life, ever moving always in motion. Of course in dreams there may be also be murky water and clear water, ponds or oceans, rivers and or bathtubs with water.
When interpreting what we dream we want to put things into context. If the water is clear we are then seeing things with an emotional clarity, if murky and dirty, then we may have some emotional laundry we need to get to work on. If we need to cross the water for some reason we have to discover why we are in this position, if we are simply enjoying the water then we have made peace on some level emotionally.
Colors of water and in what environment also must be looked at. Bright colored water such as blues and greens represent healing and energy that work with the spiritual aspects of self, dull colors often have more to do with the physical aspects of life and self.
When I dream of the ocean, I know I am in the Unconscious Mind and at a very expansive place. I feel the power and motion of the ocean and know that I am one with that power. When I dream of the ocean I am always moving to a new level of learning and consciousness. I know this intuitively as my personal connection with the ocean has a specific purpose to me in life, as I remember coming from the ocean.
In one dream I was actually a conductor of a symphony at the oceans edge. In this dream I was at peace with being myself and quite capable of conducting this orchestra. I could see the beautiful turquoise color of the vast ocean and see the sun shining; I also felt the balance of energies that were my surroundings.
The Amphitheater, in which I was conducting, was shell shaped like a beautiful seashell with opulent white luminescent color. All the colors in this dream were a little more crisp and clear that normally. As the orchestra and I completed the symphony musical piece, I noticed a large brown bear on the left side of the amphitheater. This seemed out of place with the other surroundings so I was immediately afraid of the bear. Then while in the dream, I suddenly realized that I felt a great sense of camaraderie with him and that he was not here to harm me. We began to romp and play together as old friends reunited would.
I remember the joy and also the clear-cut purity of dreams such as this even after years have past. The interpretation was very clear to me. It was an expanse dream and one within which I was actually seeing the advancements I had made and how I deserved to feel good about my experiences. All four elements of Earth Air Fire and Water being part of the dream, I realized that I had advanced at several different levels of spirituality and was now reaping the benefits of my long journey. The bear represented the unconscious mind and also my fears. It also represented the animal nature within me and a taming of the beast.
Since I have learned that we go through various initiations in our life I know that we go through many baptisms of spirituality as well. We often go through individual baptisms of Water, Earth, Fire and Air at different points along the soul journey’s road. To have all four elements in this Vision Dream, told me that I had accomplished four levels of initiation and was now ready to proceed along my path of learning with a new feeling of being assured and confident.
This type of vision dream is a rarity and not something that can be produced by the dreamer without them first accomplishing the initiations of life and spirit. But interestingly enough I began having these types of vision dreams shortly after working to open my third eye in 1983 while working with my Chakra system.
Like so many tools we discover as we are embarking upon new levels of learning, dreams are something that we can use to help us piece together many things that we are trying to learn about ourselves.
Some other tools you can try using when interpreting your dreams is to pick up a dictionary of symbols. After you have written your dream down, look up the various things from the dream that you remember, like snakes, dragons, water, furniture, wings, water, etc. Usually when you take the time search out the true meaning of something, it seems to take on a life of its own and help you. It is as if there is a new energy helping you to interpret and discover what you seek.
Most people fear snakes and spiders and do not know why. Snakes symbolically have always represented wisdom and enlightenment in many ways. Wings generally represent flight and freedom, and spiders create a web that actually resembles what our DNA looks like. Spiders have the ability to create a matrix that also symbolizes the Matrix of soul and all life.
Try a dream interpretation book but realize that each symbol interacts with the rest of the dream and can be interpreted many ways. No one can give you a full interpretation of a dream through a book, unless they are interpreting their own dream.
Pay attention to how many people there are in your dream and how many of them you know or are not familiar with. Do you feel comfortable with the unfamiliar people in your dream? If so perhaps they are your spirit helpers here partaking of your life through your dream state. I have often found myself led through an entire dream by individuals I felt comfortable with but never met in the physical. Remember we are part of an original spiritual family and that we have lots of relatives we know nothing about that are guiding us and are our companions in spirit.
Once when having a nightmare of being a child with a winged demon holding me down I began to call to the Archangels and Red Cloud to help me while In the dream. I then heard a voice within myself repeating the mantra, “I am the Light Within, I Am the Light Within, I am the Light Within”. Suddenly the dark demon just flew off me as though through those words and their energy it no longer had power here. After having that dream I knew that I had finally healed a very deep childhood wound and could finally feel safe as the inner child that I am. This dream came at a time when I had been doing my inner child work intensely. The dream showed me once again that I had taken my power back.
The dreams that we have when asleep tell us about ourselves much differently than what we dream about in our waking state. Sometimes our sleeping dreams simply seem to just mimic what our day was about while awake. Very often we dismiss them as nonsense and pay no attention to them whatsoever. We are too tired and busy to really think that asleep dreams hold many answers to what our daily problems are about.
Yet to those who want to use dreams as a part of getting to know oneself as well as growing and evolving, dreams can hold a major place as a great and sophisticated tool of metaphysics and soul understanding.
Sleeping is a big part of our time spent in the earthly body, sleeping well is key to ones physical health. How long one sleeps is not as important as how well one sleeps. Here is hoping you take the time to dream while sleeping and a little extra time to interpret and journal your dreams.