Beautiful Souls and Spiritual Warriors
It’s time for my monthly Guided Meditation
Here I will take you into the Light where you can meet Spiritual Teachers and Spirit Helpers to assist us in the healing needed individually as well as collectively for the Planet.
It is time to utilize my gifts to access the Higher Realms of Light and take time to lay down some trying times and emotions holding you in place.
These journeys are for you! If you have not experienced one of these with Athene you are missing out.
Donations appreciated but not expected.
Here is a description of My November 5th Meditation described by a participant following the experience.
By: Marguerite Hafeman
A poem describing my guided meditation on November5,2023
Rainbow prisms of light chase all around me.
Showering the mind and flushing the soul.
We do the chakra grounding and cleansing, root to crown.
See all the colors, watch sacred symbols skim closing eyes.
Thus prepared, we embark on the Vision travel,
Going out into the land far from the cities,
Finding the bluff pocked with many caves.
Pick one and go on in, after grabbing a torch and lighting it to see the way.
Choose the room within the network of tunnels laced within.
Where my native Indian Guide sits waiting.
Long white hair framing a handsome, weathered face.
He is dressed in faded buckskin, still finely trimmed in red, white and black quills.
He builds a small fire, after we sat down before a big pool of clear water.
Lay the sorrows of life down, he said. Let yourself be lifted away into the ethers.
Find the Blue light, where the field of possibilities rises and falls, ebbs and flows.
Far from the limits of gravity, time and form.
He begins to hum, throwing another stick on the fire.
A pause of blankness descends upon me, where I am not here, there or anywhere else for that matter.
I awaken just as my guide sings into the echoing darkness, sending ripples of teal and seafoam green light onto the walls.
Welcoming the lady clad in white and lilies.
Who had just come down, to float above the waters and give us a blessing.
You must email me at [email protected] to receive a Zoom invite.
You will not be automatically included because you have attended the others.
The Meditation will be from 1Pm to 2:30 pm Sunday December 3, 2023 MST
I will see you then.
Athene Raefiel