Crimes against Humanity

Hello friends,

My opinion is here stated about the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the US of America.

The new Tax Bill that makes the rich richer and poor poorer;

Any law allowing immigrant children to be separated from their parents;

Any law arresting or punishing people for being homeless and poor;

Any blind eye to the fact that there are at least 55,000 people homeless in the USA;

Not providing adequate Social Service to those in need.

Throwing out paper towels to the Puerto Rican people who had Hurricane devastation;

Finding no common ground for the good of the many;

Not providing adequate health insurance for everyone, equating to who lives and who dies.

Making enemies of other countries just because we can;

Not separating church and state.

Allowing guns on the streets;

Teaching prejudice,

I take pride in my being but feel much shame for the US.

My solution; throw out the Government and start over.

Compassion is apparently a learned response, all need to learn it.

Blessings, Athene