Children of the light,
As you begin this new chapter in your life’s journey you will notice more and more the assistance of the Universe in your day to day life. As teachers of light, who are we and what do we do? We are your spiritual family; Spirit Guides, Archangels and Ascended Teachers of light who have been with you in soul since your incarnation as soul.
The biggest question we hear from you is why did I come into this existence, and why now?
Now, in this powerful millennium there is massive and accelerated growth and development for humans and your planetary System. Only the pure of heart shall succeed in achieving their greatest potential during this incarnation. Staying positive and focused is still most challenging for the many. Addressing the energies as they sway and infiltrate as well as illuminate, using discernment to decipher the good from the bad is the task at hand.
Since in truth all is simply development, the greatest challenge you must master is indeed the self. Finding and becoming the Authentic Natural self and pushing forward.
You find fear to be the enemy not because it is bad but simply because it is being used to control and destroy rather than serve the purpose of alerting to danger. Yes fear can be healthy when put into context, yet so few understand how to use it, rather than it using them. So much and so many fear that fears power becomes stronger by the day. What are you afraid of; the future, the past, the present? Perhaps fear itself? To become the strong warrior that you are, you must identify and confront your fear. There is no other way to become free and alive.
Ultimately it is the child within each of you who has learned about and attached to fear that must change its understanding of it. Fear can and does often paralyze through its power to hold you in its arms. Fear is simply a word, energy necessary to forewarn and protect, not encompass and incarcerate the human being that you are.
The greatest tool you have to consume and transmute fear is Love. As St. Germain shares such a wonderful gift of The Violet Flame of Transformation to assist, we find little reason for fear to have its strong potency in your daily lives.
As sentient feeling humans, letting go is the most challenging of tasks you will face in life. Learning to transmute the fear that binds you creates a place for more and more love to dwell, inside and out. This long forgotten use of love to replace all dysfunction in life is the goal.
What is love? Why each and every one of you are love. It is the expression of love that you are and emanate that transcends all other things. Love is essence and energy of all life, seen or unseen, it is eternal. It is the food of the soul contained within and shared through the spirit and physical essence that you are. Too little love and kindness in the world presents the greatest destruction to the planet and all of her species. Yes love presents potent danger to the darkness as it is in innocence that you find and become love once again.
Invocation to love.
I call the power and essence of Love. I call to my own spirit essence.
I call to the great beings and powers of Love that unite to assist us all.
I anchor love in every way and honor the energy and light it holds.
I share the energy and essence of my love and connect it with all other love.
Mighty beings of love and light hear me now. Align my energies with yours and allow your child to assist in the journey and recognition of the highest love available.
Beloved I am, Beloved I am, Beloved I am.
You were born of and as love in your original state of spirit, mind, body and soul. It is to this state of origin that your soul adheres, and must return to transcend the various planes of consciousness. Would you be happy to remain in the state of being that dictates depression and fear? Could you enjoy little or no development and growth in life? The way of life must be to move beyond that which is the accepted illusion of living.
This is done by unlocking the mysteries of life that lie within and choosing to remove the layers of pain and sadness that have haunted you for so long.
As physical beings it is necessary to have a balance in life between both the Conditional and Unconditional Love within for true awareness and understanding to take place. The Divine element that you are thrives on the Unconditional love to be the I Am; the physical being thrives on the conditional love of needing to be needed. When we feel needed we glow with delight and bathe in accomplishment. When we accept ourselves unconditionally we begin to accept our flaws as the perfections we are healing into.
You will find that all things in the Universe are paradox. Knowing this will help you discern truth and discover that there is really no right or wrong, in each and every moment all is a matter of perception.
Through this awareness you will begin to understand self and forgive others. Most importantly you will release the need to judge. Through this realization you will grow and develop on all levels of self.
Finding and sustaining peace in life is attainable only through hard work and dedication to discovery of truth and Love.
Many Blessings of Love,
Archangel Raphael