Channeling of Sanat Kumara and Friends

Blessings and Love to each of you!

Sanat Kumara and Friends through Athene Raefiel
It appears on a world scale that the immediate changes are not happening fast enough. There is still a great need for balance and sustenance.
The Governing Bodies of the World have dedicated themselves to a world economy that has set everyone up to need everyone else. This indeed is quite metaphysical in nature but it does not take into consideration the nature of Mineral, Plant, Animal and Human life on your planet.

Granted there are many good philanthropy projects and projects of kindness that touch our hearts as well as yours, yet there are still mountains to be moved to change the tactics of greed as the predecessor of all life. We come today to share a wealth of information from the kind Sanat Kamara so that you each may better understand your place and job in the arenas upcoming.

Firstly there is still a major lack of loving communication that could eventually turn the tides of men from using one another, to respecting and utilizing the great gifts and ideas each human being possesses’. There still resides a need to be right rather than compromise. This is the Ego of humankind and of course serves the highest and best good of all when taught how to disarm itself. Too much right and wrong, too much good and evil.

Good and evil go together and one cannot subsist without the other in the Third Dimensional Reality. When you find yourself wanting to judge another based on the fact their views are different from your own, I would ask you to review the past teachings of the basic rules of understanding and decide how to come to terms with your differences.

Yes there are currently many religions and ideals floating around you every day and still there are many, many people with Divine views that help them have faith and sustain their lives. There is no lack of prayers among them, simply the horror and disbelief that they could be persecuted for believing what they believe.

There is too much aggression currently playing out in the earth peoples at this time. War is not now, nor has it ever been, a resolution to problems experienced by all. Remember that each one of you have walked many paths in this lifetime and as well as your past incarnations and that others are somewhere upon that path even if you have moved ahead. Judge them kindly as they will also eventually move ahead.

Yours seems like a daunting task at times. To be so compellingly loving and understanding when in fact you are disgusted and tired of trying. Yes, this is often the human nature that needs be raised up into the Higher Light of Love and Truth to free itself.

Know that even though you ascend a plane of thinking and awareness, it is always a part of you and you will store its memory for future use.

Diplomacy is an art, as is listening. Too few actually care to truly listen and find commonality when it is easier to disagree. We in the more spiritual planes always listen closely to one another and to you. We want to have clarity as we wish for you to determine the same. We all work to attain the greatest spiritual diplomatic purposes and we all have the same modus operandi. Though we are not perfect, we strive to be beautifully orchestrated and harmonize the beauty of awareness and understanding that we are. This is our wish for all of you as well.

As you develop and ascend though the various planes of consciousness, you realize that the illusion is simply an entrapment created by your mind, and the minds of others, to hold you in place. It is a deceitful illusion yet often it is your greatest comfort zone. If it were easy to ascend the physical plane and find the Astral the Causal, The Celestial and The Divine, then what would be the purpose? So often when things are easy for the human they simply ignore and bypass them believing them to be unimportant.

Yes, Spiritual Evolution is a journey undertaken by those of great fortitude and strength. It is a journey that occurs over many incarnations of time and space, it is the ultimate journey of release and freedom from the mundane realities many of you call life. But to know this truth only you yourself can discover and appreciate the true depth perception within your own soul yearnings.

Once you have decided that all you see and experience in form is illusion, you begin to connect with the idea of how all things are energy. When you communicate with other energies, you begin to realize that energy is the key element in evolution. To evolve is to move beyond that which was once real and experience new realities in the unseen worlds.

What is unseen to most, are the multi-faceted realities we dwell within. Here is where “all that is” resides, dwells and plays all times. Here time is irrelevant and yet continuous. Here the paradox is simply another way of understanding. Here light and dark are balanced and neither takes precedence over the other. This did not take place all at once but through a process of evolutionary learning much the same you find yourselves within currently.

When you truly seek to move beyond the mind and the norm or whatever you think that may be; you will find worlds and worlds of advantageous information and depth that others have not even begun to explore or grasp. We do live in a world of imagination, do you? Since you possess such a beautifully divine gift of imagination, why not utilize it to its fullest potential and come and join us? What have you got to lose, what are you afraid of?

When you truly move beyond your human thinking mind you find your soul and Christ Consciousness; your God self so to speak. While we are with you here at all times you suddenly realize that you too are with us. All becomes a re-connected happy family reunion. Many angels, etheric and spirit beings are awaiting this reunion with you. We have been your family since time immemorial and wish to partake of these glorious celebrations whenever they occur.

Always you ask us to be there with you; now we respond come visit us as well. Your journeys into consciousness and the many worlds they present can be most eye opening and advantageous to your outlook in life.

Visualizations and Meditations are the easiest methods to follow this instruction and discover the ever expanding wisdom, awareness and light truth that you each hold. What are you waiting for? If it is an invitation we extend that now! Here are some helpful invocations, affirmations and Visualizations to use.

Invocation to the Holy Light Within

I call to the Holy of Holies

I call to the mother father god

I call to the Essence of pure Light and Goodness

I call to my higher self and higher light

I call to the Ancient teachings of Divine Light and realities

I call to all that is

I am that I am, I am that I am, I am that Am.

Holy Essence of loving light re-enter my awareness and consciousness now.

Re-connect my third Eye and inner seeing and hearing

Restore my inner senses to their most pristine attunements

I am ready to remember and accelerate my growth

I am ready to respond to the call of my spiritual awakening and restoration

I am ready to open myself to the Holy of Holies light within that I am and purge the unwanted and unneeded memories that keep me in the illusion, I call life.

I am that I am, I Am that I am,

I am that I am.
Invocation to the Violet Flame and St. Germaine

Sacred Holy Violet Flame of St. Germaine

I call to you now and ask that you surround me with your transformative energies and assist me in burning away the dross and unwanted memories that reside with me.

Holy Ancient Magic soul St. Gemaine

Help me re-connect with my spirit family and accentuate this lifetime with my true essence of spirituality and light

Violet Flame, Violet Flame

Surround me know and assist myself and all others that I love

Bring your beautiful transformative energy into every situation that needs healing upon this planet and burn your light energy brightly

Help the Starving

Help the Struggling,

Help the Homeless,

Help the Destitute and Help the Governments of the world burn away the mirage they have created as truth.

Holy Ascended Master St. Germaine Let your powerful Violet Flame assist in all worlds currently battling for truth and enlightenment. Assist in the Middle East and help Mother Earth do her restoration for the highest good of all.

Beloved I am, Beloved I am, Beloved I am.
Visualization for Inner Peace and Freedom

Sit now and visualize yourself in the most peaceful place of nature you can think of

See the Sun over head

Feel the Earth beneath your feet

Feel the breeze upon your face,

Hear the sounds of nature around you and relax and be still.

Close your eyes and state “I am Earth, I am Air, I am Fire and I am Water”

“I am a child of Loving Light”

“I am deserving of the Holy Light”

“I am Special in My own Right”

I acknowledge now and stand in my own Birth Right”

I am that I am, I am that I am I am that I am.

Let the sunlight glow brightly as it carries you up and over the Earth.

Allow yourself to float and relax, enjoy the freedom at last.

Theosophists believed that Sir Francis Bacon, by using alchemy, became an immortal occult master on May 1, 1684 and adopted the name St. Germain. It is believed by Theosophists that on that date he became one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, the group of beings that Theosophists believe are the governing deities of Earth. In the Ascended Master Teachings, these beings are called the Ascended Masters.

Sanat Kumara is also known as “ Sanat Kumara the Ancient of Days”

He is said to be from Venus and brought the teaching of the Three Fold Heart Flame to mankind.

A city and temple were built where he stays called Shamballa which is said to reside over the Gobi Desert. There are seven Kumaras that we know of.