Changing Perceptions
As the Earth changes abound and sea temperatures raise so does the confusion on the planet show itself more succinctly than ever before. For those of us that are empaths these changes are taking a toll not just in the mind and body but also the soul.
Many of you are discovering a need to write down your thoughts and experiences while others are simply pulled along by this great wave of energy called time that pervades the planet.
Since perception is all that we have to work with as reality in the dimensions within which we dwell. Perception is the tool at hand that must be worked and re-worked. Perception being the most powerful tool that we have; it is indeed creation itself.
Our beliefs, our understanding and our awareness all are part of our perception. So long as we choose to feed the perception of the outside world as our only truth then that will be our personal truth. Since the massive destruction of the outside world is now presented to us daily in our news, we more easily see what we individually may choose to create as alternatives and also healing.
Let us reanimate our perception within our soul to counteract the hurt and despair being lived and felt by so many upon the planet at this time.
Before we can manifest love and truth to surround all others upon our beautiful planet, we must be capable of creating it within our own soul. This will also take place in the collective soul and continue to expand and help heal the sadness and destruction that seems to have a life of its own.
To begin with we must check and renew the basics within ourselves that we learned to begin with. The first of which is the acknowledgement that we are a Universe unto ourselves and we have the power to change reality on a grand level.
Often we forget that we are part of a much larger unit (the collective soul) and feel abandoned by our own teachings and beliefs, as we struggle with the day to day survival as human beings. It is as if there was some sort of negative energy pursuing the enlightened ones upon the planet that produces actions of a negative sort, which continually bombards us. Yet we must consider that we unto ourselves are a great force of light in not only the Universe, the Planet and ourselves; but also the cosmos and Divine Hierarchy.
I shall not say that thought is the enemy but I will say that we give our personal thinking a great deal more power that we do our god-thought.
How do I think with and through my higher and divine self rather than my simple human brain? This is the second basic teaching and principle we had learned to understand a long time ago. This is the way that we talk ourselves into believing that which has been created through pain and sadness and forgets to connect to the mind within of higher consciousness.
Are you physical or eternal? Are you energy and light, or form that cannot resolve or heal the present known as life? Where do you stand within your reasoning and reality self? How many selves actually live inside of you and dictate reality to you daily?
How do you bring the many selves within you into center which allows seeing your higher mind and vision clearly? And do you then open yourself to believing what you know must be truth or do you still battle the light of life within that you are?
In being eternal you realize that this lifetime is simply an exploratory one that helps you to prepare for the next and the next and so on. Has re-incarnation eluded you and have you instead fallen into the matter pit that sucks the life out of others? This is known as the basic teaching of need.
When you are caught within the web of need, all else disappears. Need becomes prominent and time no longer exists other than to fill the need. Believing that you cannot find happiness or content without your needs being fulfilled simply holds you in a space of that being your truth and reality. This of course is the human condition which we are all working to overcome within ourselves.
It is certainly easier to give into the human condition and choose to wait for the next lifetime to struggle with what is real and truth, as living as a human, even as blessed as we are is still often debilitating to our true use of power. We definitely find it easier to live the struggle of need rather than overcome ourselves as humans every day of our life. We leave that to the Gurus and Dali Lamas of life.
Yet doing so in this manner leaves a huge unfilled hole inside of each of us that only higher self and soul can fill. Back to square one we come. Is it really necessary for us to review and re-new the basics within on a regular basis? Well of course it is. This is the way of the Spiritual Warrior, without such rebounds in life we will never gain true freedom or understanding which brings about perception.
None of the spiritual warriors on this planet ever got the memo that things were supposed to get easier, not harder. We all must have been out that day. Things have always simply happened and it is up to us to allow and grow within whatever patch of weeds or grass we find. Growing, becoming and realizing, these are all the basic needs and truths that we have to follow.
Before you write a new book on true reality you had better have at least understood how many realities exist simply within one plane of existence. Do you simply exist or are you the eternal creative principal within your own life and being?
Perception is a vast and glorious tool that gives us the power to change our life as well as that of others. Do not waste it.