change and development

We are in a time of unprecedented change and development. It is not uncommon to get physically ill as we must be aware that we sometimes will not get out of our own way of thinking and being, any other way.

When we surrender to the process of growth and light we discover there are many rungs to the stairway we climb. We often become so engrossed in what must be done, that we forget to let go and absorb.

Currently the intensity of the planetary movements are highly affecting all of us. Thinking a thought and forgetting it a second later is not uncommon right now. Thinking you are crazy because of this experience brings its own insanity.

As human beings we have been taught and believe that we have control over our own minds and feelings, we certainly do not want to believe that something outside ourselves could and does change the course of the feeling and mental self. This is because we fear too much of everything and for everyone else.

Fear can be a teacher or a dictator it is your person choice. Living life to the fullest means understanding the ups and downs that come with it. Studying the planetary effects can prove prudent in understanding the energies affecting each of us.

You don’t need to be an astrologer to learn and pay attention to such things; you just need to care about yourself and others.