December 3rd, 2023 Guided Meditation with Athene

A white angel is flying over the forest.

December 3, 2023 Guided Meditation with Athene Beautiful Souls and Spiritual Warriors It’s time for my monthly Guided Meditation Here I will take you into the Light where you can meet Spiritual Teachers and Spirit Helpers to assist us in the healing needed individually as well as collectively for the Planet. It is time to […]

Simple Magic

A colorful painting of the sun shining through trees.

Simple Magic By: Athene Raefiel   Life is the experience of energy. Everything we see, feel and experience is energy. Until we realize how energy manifests itself we are lost and in the dark. Though we create energy everyday we are unaware of how we are doing it, why we are doing it, and how […]

Iam Earth

A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

I want to make a suggestion that might help calm the weather some. Affirm: I Am Earth, I Am Air, I am Fire, and I am Water IAm Earth, I Am Air, I am Fire and I Am Water I Am Earth I am Air, I am Fire and I Am Water Mighty Keepers of […]

Call to the Holy Flames and Archangels

A brown and red abstract design with some shapes

Invocations and Prayers to the Holy Flames, The Archangels and Oversoul I pray to the most holy Sacred Flames of light. I pray to, and call forth, the Blue Cosmic Flame of Lord Michael. Cosmic blue flame of Truth and Protection, surround our great planet now.  Bring the protective agents and legions of light needed […]

Time for an upgrade

A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

OK beautiful souls and spiritual Warriors, It’s time to share the good news. All the suffering and challenges you have faced have not been for naught. The good news is we are all moving to our next level of consciousness and understanding. All the invocations and prayers will be paying off as life becomes more […]

The power of Prayer

A woman with her hands in prayer position.

Praying is our direct link to the higher realms and teachers and angels who dwell there. When we pray to God, Goddess all that IS we reach new heights of love and caring. All beings of light can help us find ways of caring for ourselves and others that are powerful and enlightening. When I […]

Listening and Hearing

A colorful painting of the sun shining through trees.

Often people find it hard to slow their own brain down long enough to really listen to what the other person is saying. Because of this they don’t have an opportunity to process what is being said. Too often we have an answer to a question we never took the time to really hear or […]

Our Conditioning

A statue of an angel in the middle of a garden.

We are all products of our environments, our ancestry, our society, and of history. All these things have created the program within us that determines how we live our lives. When we begin to examine the accepted programs that our personality has accepted as self, we find that little if any of it makes sense. […]

Crossing Over Archangel Raphael

A blurry image of two people in front of a circle.

Crossing Over Through Athene Raefiel   Ever wonder what happens after you leave this world and enter the next? Wonder no more; Archangel Raphael has offered some important information for the future of your being. When someone dies there is a process to which they must adhere before entering into a state of blissful consciousness […]

The Inner Child

A painting of an angel sitting in the clouds

The Child Within We are multi-aspected beings. What this means is that we are always an adult as well as a child, a teacher, a student, a spirit, a soul, a body and so on.  If we were stunted emotionally by childhood experiences, we find ourselves re-living those experiences continually throughout life. Most families are […]