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Hello friends,
Seems that it is a time of racing thoughts; getting ahold of ones own mind is challenging at best. With the acceleration of Universal energies it is hard to ground and stay centered.
We must learn to communicate with ourselves in a manner that brings more peace and harmony into our lives. Yes we can communicate with our own mind and make changes regularly.
We must take and make the time to be with ourselves everyday, while seriously discussing what we want and need to change about our thinking process. Most do not always want to go to therapy to do this, so in some manner we must become our own therapist and healer. Many of you are old souls and understand more than many therapists anyway.
Knowing that we have a variety of feelings and learning to express them in the right words can save much grief. Knowing always that we are a reflection of what we think and speak is a good step to acknowledge. You cannot communicate well with others if you do not communicate well with yourself.
Discuss the good points of self with self as well as what is needed to change. Practice your affirmations for change while teaching your mind a new way of thinking and even interpreting thought.
Speak with yourself as you would to another person and see how you would interpret this objectively, hearing it for the first time.
Check your feelings, do you believe what you are saying or not? Can you trust yourself and thinking?
Know that you are the change in life that will make a difference and quit focusing on being a victim. Stop believing I victimization as a way of life and celebrate the moment.
Be kind to yourself and others.