Birth and Death

We are seeing the results of what happens when so many people die of unnatural causes and return to the Earth plane to re-establish themselves karmically to learn and grow.

When we die there are a number of places we go depending on our own evolution and soul awareness.

If we die and have no soul awareness we are not transported to the same places as those who do. Not understanding or believing in soul consciousness determines us going somewhere that nothing grows or becomes. It is a type of Limbo where we can easily be born quickly as a baby. There is no learning or advancement as the person has not yet learned anything of its eternal essence and must quickly return with a hope they will discover this in a new incarnation.

I often speak of many creators which can bring confusion to those who believe in the “One True God”. Ultimately there is energy and energy creates new and different energy that ultimately creates a variety of Hierarchies. What chain of command we belong to will eventually be discovered if we choose to search for it.

We have many different chains of relatives, this being similar to looking at a variety of helixes looking like strands of DNA. Because we are multi-dimensional beings we have memories to access from many different lifetimes with many different experiences.

While some discover they have Extraterrestrial Families, others discover they are Angelic beings. Indeed, we are as varied as the leaves on a plant. No matter who our creators and families are in spirit, they are all aware of one another, the Universe is an open pathway to communication through telepathy.

Telepathy is the one matrix we all have access to. We may not know it but we are all communicating with one another on some level right now. Fear is the energy that is currently dominating the 3D and is and has spread like a bad disease that encompasses humankind and others upon our planet.

There is so much possession of negativity and demons currently that it is often mistaken as Mental Illness. Most people are not even aware that possession is real. The old saying that if you don’t believe in it, “it cannot hurt you”, is a misconception in life. We are easily possessed by things good as well as bad everyday with total ignorance.

The spiritual teachings of the importance of raising one’s vibrations is so very necessary if we are to protect ourselves from the ravages of life. When we are sucked into the prevailing feelings surrounding us, we become disoriented and overwhelmed.

Surrounded by pain and sadness can be devastating, when attached to, and us being sensitives tends to easily allow us to get sucked in. We cannot help one another by drowning together, though so many do just that believing this shows they care.

We must learn to care for the energy of Love and heighten our vibrations if we are to stay afloat this lifetime. Love must be discovered and developed like caring for a garden, which you are. You need become love to understand love and quit trying to define it, instead encompass yourself with it and let it seep in.