Being Present

I live and dwell in the present, all time is now. Each and every day is its own adventure and creation.

Feeing sad today is its own reality and I shall embrace and honor it as such. I embrace and honor all my feelings and thoughts as they are mine alone.

I do not compare myself to another as my life is not theirs nor theirs mine. I understand that all fear is unfounded and useless.

I spend many hours a day in my own thoughts and deeds as my inner voice has become my best friend. I am human thereby subject to trial and error for growth.

My truth cannot be subject to others opinions though I listen intently so as to identify reality.

Everything and all to me is vibration and frequency; these I identify by sound and silence.

I hear the quiet in the silence and move with its rhythm. I am grateful and blessed every day in every way.

I am that I am.