Message from The Divine Mother

A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

Message from the Divine Mother Children of the Light, I come to you today to give an update on how I am working with Mother Earth and her Children. The changes now happening to Earth Children are vast and many. Many hybrid children are currently awakening and assisting with the consciousness of the planet. These […]

December 3rd, 2023 Guided Meditation with Athene

A white angel is flying over the forest.

December 3, 2023 Guided Meditation with Athene Beautiful Souls and Spiritual Warriors It’s time for my monthly Guided Meditation Here I will take you into the Light where you can meet Spiritual Teachers and Spirit Helpers to assist us in the healing needed individually as well as collectively for the Planet. It is time to […]

Simple Magic

A colorful painting of the sun shining through trees.

Simple Magic By: Athene Raefiel   Life is the experience of energy. Everything we see, feel and experience is energy. Until we realize how energy manifests itself we are lost and in the dark. Though we create energy everyday we are unaware of how we are doing it, why we are doing it, and how […]

Mother Earth

Mother Earth Athene Raefiel Mother Earth is trying to balance herself. She has and will always do what is necessary to harmonize the nature of the Planet. The news media portrays her to be cruel and violent when in reality she is simply doing what any other Mother would do to protect her abode and […]

Anchoring Light

A bright angel appears to the sky in this picture.

Anchoring Light Setting Space and Anchoring of Light By: Athene Raefiel When we want to understand the energy self, and the energy beings we call spirit guides, we need to practice putting ourselves in a purified sacred energy space. This is what I call setting the space. Needing to keep our energy fields clear is […]

Iam Earth

A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

I want to make a suggestion that might help calm the weather some. Affirm: I Am Earth, I Am Air, I am Fire, and I am Water IAm Earth, I Am Air, I am Fire and I Am Water I Am Earth I am Air, I am Fire and I Am Water Mighty Keepers of […]

Call to the Holy Flames and Archangels

A brown and red abstract design with some shapes

Invocations and Prayers to the Holy Flames, The Archangels and Oversoul I pray to the most holy Sacred Flames of light. I pray to, and call forth, the Blue Cosmic Flame of Lord Michael. Cosmic blue flame of Truth and Protection, surround our great planet now.  Bring the protective agents and legions of light needed […]

Time for an upgrade

A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

OK beautiful souls and spiritual Warriors, It’s time to share the good news. All the suffering and challenges you have faced have not been for naught. The good news is we are all moving to our next level of consciousness and understanding. All the invocations and prayers will be paying off as life becomes more […]

The power of Prayer

A woman with her hands in prayer position.

Praying is our direct link to the higher realms and teachers and angels who dwell there. When we pray to God, Goddess all that IS we reach new heights of love and caring. All beings of light can help us find ways of caring for ourselves and others that are powerful and enlightening. When I […]

Nature’s Order

A painting of an angel with wings and stars

Nature’s Order by Athene Raefiel I shall here try to describe the explosions of energies that are affecting the synapses of life’s spinal column as well as its brain. We have all heard about the great conspiracy theories that are claimed to be controlling the energies and minds of those on this planet. The pole […]