Anchoring Light
Setting Space and Anchoring of Light
By: Athene Raefiel
When we want to understand the energy self, and the energy beings we call spirit guides, we need to practice putting ourselves in a purified sacred energy space. This is what I call setting the space. Needing to keep our energy fields clear is important for us to feel safe and also be in tune with our intuition and divine counterpart.
To begin, it is good to smudge your sacred space with some white sage or a stick of incense. When you are creating a sacred space within which to meditate, relax or even just contemplate, you will want to make it feel sacred and personal. Some people like to light candles seeing them as representing the flame or light of life within that they, and all other life is. Other spiritual tools you may want to use to set your spiritual space are rocks and crystals, statues and altars, special books and divination cards, runes and pendulums.
Don’t forget a notebook and pen, you never know what you may want to write down.
Doing this kind of exercise puts you in the right mood and helps you set your intent for the desired results.
When it is time to sit down and anchor the Light, Simply take some very deep breaths and relax your body, your mind and emotions.
Then State:
I call to the power of light that I am.
I call to my angels and spirit guides of light.
I call to my soul and spirit self.
I call to all those that assist, guide, guard and protect me.
I ask that they align their energies in and around me so that I may feel and experience my connection to the holy light within that I am.
Again take a few deep breaths and state:
I am a child of light and love.
I am loving light.
I am goodness and beauty.
I am the reflection of the holy light within.
Now simply visualize the sun shining directly over your head as you feel the warmth of the rays coming down around you. Fill your entire being and space with this light.
Now feel as if there are roots coming out through the bottom of your feet and let them move deeply into the earth. Now begin feeling the roots being filled with the nutrients from the earth.
Let a temple of light be created around you and bathe yourself in this light. Merge with the light, become one with it and experience the colors within the light as fully as possible.
Become the different colors you see, one at a time; the blue, the red, the pink, the emerald, the white, the gold and purple. Now let all the colors just simply move through you. See yourself as this wonderful clear crystal emanating all these beautiful colors.
Realize how awesome it feels to be able to be these beautiful energies, sit within them and notice how angelic you feel.
Become a beam of light, expand yourself out in every different direction imaginable and allow yourself to come back to the outside world.
Now sit quietly for a few minutes while you assimilate the experience.
Now that you are centered within your light you may want to write down what you are feeling. You may want to use your tools of divination and see how clear your intuition has become. Or you may simply want to bask in the energy experience.
This is an exercise that should be done as often as possible for those wanting to learn to go within and connect to your spirit essence.
As lightworkers it is our calling to anchor the Universal light into our lives daily. The universe asks nothing of us but to become attuned to ourselves as light beings and assist them in the creation of light within the physical plane of existence. This we do by anchoring light.