Alex Myles Astrology

The current energy is magnified due to a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus, marking the opening of eclipse season and the beginning of a brand new cycle. It is also a rare black moon, as it is the second New Moon in April.
The eclipse portal delivers immense clarity about our life path, and offers heightened awareness so we know what, or who, we need to release and what, or who, we want to carry with us into our future.
Eclipses are similar to full moons, but the energy is more potent and its influence leaves a longer lasting impression on our lives. They are powerful and unexpected winds of change that generate a huge surge of emotional energy that enhances our sensitivities, opens up portals of possibilities, and illuminates our beliefs, thoughts and feelings.
This eclipse is particularly special as the Nodes are currently in Taurus and Scorpio. This means fated events are destined to occur during this period and new themes that begin around this time will continue to play out until the next eclipse season begins in six months.
It is now time to set an intention and watch how miraculously it manifests, and be prepared for an abundance of magical happenings, not just this weekend but continuing until after the May 15-16, 2022 lunar eclipse .
The nodes represent our past, future, purpose, karma and overall destiny, and whenever a new or full moon is near the nodes the energy is super charged. The nodes changed constellation in January 2022 and the last time the North node was in Taurus and the South node was in Scorpio was in 2003, so it is worth reflecting back to see what prominent story began during that time.
We will now have a greater depth of understanding and the clarity to see how a story that began over 18 years ago may now be coming to a close, and we will clearly see what valuable lessons we learned during this time.
Revelations will be coming thick and fast, giving us the insight needed to overcome challenges, stop repeating unhealthy patterns and start healing deep emotional wounds that were created over the past 18 and a half years.
We will be making peace with the past, integrating life lessons, making positive changes, focusing on our future and clearing old energy and accumulated karma. Overall we are coming to a place of acceptance and understanding that our past made us who we are today. We will likely feel a profound sense of peace, forgiveness and compassion within ourselves for all we have been through.
The moon and Taurus adore one another and the moon is exalted when in Taurus. The affinity they share means they resonate harmoniously with each other, and the lunar energy harmonises us on a cellular level, enhancing our senses, making us feel highly intuitive, more emotional, ultra sensitive and more attuned to our surroundings.
All zodiac signs will be affected by this highly charged energy, as the moon in Taurus enhances the bull’s characteristics within us all. However, those born under the sign of Taurus and Scorpio will feel it more intensely than others.
A New Moon represents the closing of one cycle and the beginning of a new one as well as hope, renewal, setting intentions, manifestation and looking at things with fresh eyes.
New moons show us how to let go of old patterns of behaviour so there is space to create new and healthier loving experiences and eclipses cause people and circumstances to be eclipsed in and out of our lives with the blink of an eye.
We will be evolving and moving closer toward our truest and purest selves, and simultaneously enhancing and deepening our most valuable, meaningful and authentic relationships.
This New Moon occurs on the same day as the Jupiter and Venus conjunction, and as Venus, the planet of love, desire and sensuality, rules Taurus, it makes it the most remarkable day of the year for unexpected happenings of a positive, meaningful and loving nature. Something extremely magnificent and destined can take place during this time, so much so that it entirely alters our future path.
We may only receive a split-second notice to take up the offer of a new opportunity, so we have to remain open to all possibilities and be ready to embrace them when something rare and spectacular comes along.
To help ensure the next six months run as smoothly as possible, it is worth taking a deep breath and diving deep into our heart to figure out what it is we truly want, who we want to be around, and who we are still holding on to (that we need to let go of).
Then, we can pluck up the courage to take the plunge and have those conversations we have been shying away from, so that we move onward with the people and conditions around us that cause us to thrive—particularly within soulmate relationships, or wherever love and romance exists.
We will begin to see that the life we have dreamed of is not only possible, it is so close it now feels tangible, and all we have to do is have the courage to step toward what we want, desire and deserve. We are receiving a notification from the Universe that it is time to quit procrastinating and to get serious about manifesting our dreams, goals and ambitions so we can reach our highest and fullest potential.
An eclipse is a doorway that leads to a new chapter. It is the universe’s way of using cosmic powers to stop us in our tracks and asking us to consider changing direction. Eclipses encourage us to take a few moments to close our eyes and synchronize our energy of the moon. We can then attune to whatever adventures are written in the stars and ultimately receive an abundance of good luck, good fortune, and whatever is fated for us.
Eclipse energy can be somewhat unpredictable, so it is worth taking steps to remain grounded, consciously aware and as balanced as possible over the next 24-48 hours. We can do this by spending periods of time in solitude, meditating, remaining hydrated and paying attention to our inner knowing and intuition.