
Athene is currently offering a free five minute consult to new clients so you can meet her. These may need to be an appointment so please call or e-mail in advance. Thank You!

A private intuitive psychic session at my home, or by phone,  can be scheduled by email; [email protected] or calling Athene at (719) 598-8158

45 minutes $65 and $85per hour.

I am here to help you find clarity and answers to your life questions. Moving forward can be challenging, staying stuck even worse. Please speak with me if you would like to discuss financial changes.

I can help with all kinds of family issues and relationships as well as career and even living expenses.

I will help with your spiritual path and initiation to new heights.

I can vision Past Lives as well as communicate with Angels and those who have crossed over.

Athene is currently offering an hour channeling with Archangel Raphael for $125.00

All hypnotherapy and inner work sessions are $125.00

Private student payments are discussed with Athene in each session. Starting at $50.00 per session.

A picture of bubbles in the air with purple and green background.