Invocations and Prayers to the Holy Flames,
The Archangels and Oversoul
I pray to the most holy Sacred Flames of light.
I pray to, and call forth, the Blue Cosmic Flame of Lord Michael.
Cosmic blue flame of Truth and Protection, surround our great planet now. Bring the protective agents and legions of light needed to assist those that are suffering, insane and at war. Help us to correct all the malfunctioning feeling and hatred that consume mankind. Surround us now with your azure blue and uplift mankind to a new height of truth. Great Archangel Michael dear, protect you Lightworkers while they hold the force of truth and love for the ones dwelling here.
I pray to, and call forth, the radiant and luminescent Emerald Flame of Lord Raphael. Surround us now mighty Raphael, with you Emerald Flame of healing and love. Let the presence of your holy flame be known to all men as the gift of love. Let us find consolation in your healing flame. Aid us in this time of cyclic change to heal the bodies, minds, and souls of the tortured. Surround the planet with your great effluvia and unite us once again in peace.
I pray to, and call forth, the combination flames of Turquoise and Pink of ……. I visualize these colors radiating into the hearts of all humankind. I receive these flames willingly into my own heart chakra and assimilate their energies. I offer myself as a channel of energy to the cause of Divine Truth and Light.
I pray to, and call forth, the great Violet Transmuting Flame of St. Germain. Ascended masters dear, in the name of the violet transmuting flame, please hear our call clear. Know that as our teachers and our oversoul, we need your assistance now. As the tides shift and the energies clear so many are in distress. The children need your guidance and assistance here. So many are confused and lonely here. Help them find their way to be clear. Help them to remember their true selves and destiny. Transmute the energies of disaster and fear. Open the gateways of love and cheer. Holy Violet Flame and Ascended Masters Dear, we pray for all God’s children here. Fill this great planet with color and light. Help us to help one another in our great plight.
I pray to, and call forth, the sacred holy Flame of Gold and Yellow. Mighty flame of golden light from Lord Uriel and Source above all life. Bring us your golden rays and emanate the planet please. Open the golden gates and flood our planet with all rays. Clear the negative energies from our space. Let the guardians of time be replaced. Let us move forward in divine light and grace. Move us out of the “time rat race”. Show all that when within Spiritual Flow, all is in order with what we must know. Give us the wisdom and strength to go slow and trust that the order of true light does know. Show us synchronization and precision with divine flow. Open us to the true essence of life from above.
I pray to, and call forth, the Transcendent Flames of Light. I ask that we all transcend the past and move more completely into the present. I accept the present as the moment in time where all time is one in the moment. I transcend all time, all beings transcend with me. I am the catalyst, I am the chosen, all are the chosen.
I pray to the Mother Father God, to the Ascended Light and the Ascension Flames and I ask now that all souls be comforted and assisted while entering the new realities of dimensional life. Great Mother Father God, hear our pleas, for we are your children of earth. Help the weak and the kind to find inner strength and peace. Help the tortured to find solace within your wrap of love. Help the elderly and the young. Great transitional teachers of light, open your doorways, your paths make bright. Lend of your intuitive to teach us to know that which we think puts man all ajar. Open and balance the inner thoughts of man, awaken our intuition and share the great plan.
We of Earth are ready to see God’s own Light within each and every thing upon this great land. For all these things do we pray and give thanks. To all those that guide us in selfless seeing and being. May the grace of life fulfill us and bring us to our light. May sanctity prevail over brute force and might. Let us all believe in love as the healer that it is and use it instead of violence that never brings good ends. The time has come for us to take our place among the stars. Let us move now upward, to the sensible away from the crowd.
I take a stand now, here, today and pledge to do my best to live a life of trust and love, to share with all the rest. I ask a blessing now for all whom stand in truth and light. I call to the twelve power points of light to build my pyramid bright.
All that I have stated here, I honor by my light, my higher self and spirit self.
I decree it all be so.