Stepping through Dimensional Doorways

Stepping through dimensional doorways.

By Athene Raefiel


Many years ago I was told that time in this third dimension is an illusion, and that cosmic time was vastly different as is divine timing.

More than ever now I feel as if we are all walking a variety of timelines in as many bodies. For many of us memory as well as remembering is completely different than it was some 20 years ago. Often we equate this to age, but I equate this to awareness.

We are being asked to continually reprogram our minds and our thinking to adjust to the different dimensions we find ourselves dwelling within daily. As we understand that we can make our conscious mind work with and for us rather than simply be a recording of the past daily life; we discover we can assist ourselves in a variety of ways with what and how we remember.

Awakening to the understanding that we have three parts of the mind to work with, the conscious, the subconscious and unconscious, we have alternative ways of thinking and remembering.

Time exists differently at different points in your daily life. Sometimes it feels as if time stands still; other times it seems to not move, and then there are those third dimensional commitments that require us to work and handle the daily living experience. Being able to handle all of these in the same moment is how we live interdimensional.

Thank goodness we learned how to meditate and anchor light or for sure we would feel as if we had gone crazy.

Today I share with some of the exercises given to me by my spirit guides in the past, present and future.

These have been life savers for me and I hope they will help you as well.



Anchoring the Light

I call Heavenly Father and Divine Mother, and ask that you anchor your light in and around me, so what is needed for my highest and best good take place.

I call to the power of light that I am.

I call to the Angels and spirit teachers of light.

I call to my spirit essence.

I call to the, I am that I am.


I call to all those of light that assist, guide, guard and protect me in my journey of life and ask that they align their energies within me.


I ask that the Light surround me with its love, strength and empowerment and assist me daily.


I am that I am, I am that I am, I am that I am. Aum, Aum, Aum.


I am, I am, I am, A child of love and light.

I am, I am, I am, special in my own right.

I am, I am, I am, the power of love and light.


Holy mighty teachers of love and light, bring your energy, bring your light, Fill my heart with your wisdom and might, strengthen my energy and help me understand and assimilate my own light.


I am, I am, I am, The power of love and light.

I am, I am, I am , A wonder of spirits light.

I am, I am, I am, Created of Love and Light.


Prayer for expansion and Love

I pray to holy of holies, to the Ascended Masters and Angels of light as well as the Spirit guides of light that assist the soul, body and mind of human and earth life.

Love in its purest form bring forth and align within all life to remove the obstacles of darkness and misunderstanding.

I ask St. Germaine to lend us his Violet Flame of transformation to encompass the entire Earth and her beings.

I pray the Archangel Michael bring his flaming blue sword of truth and assist the truth to be seen and heard.

I pray to Archangel Raphael to share his emerald healing light and energy and expand its power through all life today and forever.

I accept the holy flame of transmutation and immerse myself within its cleansing elements, purify, purify, purify!

Beloved I am, Beloved I am, Beloved I am.





Affirmations help us empower ourselves through positive self-suggestion.  The mind is a powerful tool that likes to run the show called “our life.” When we realize that we have the ability to control our thoughts and use them to assist in our journey of attainment and happiness, we also begin feeling differently about ourselves.

Affirmations are the new thoughts and energies you want in your mind and heart. To start you need to decide the new way you want to think and what program you wish to instill.


Let us say you wish to feel happy. You would then continually state:


“I am always happy.”

“All things in life bring me joy.”

“I always feel happy.”


By using this set of affirmations you can change the energy of always believing you are unhappy.

For success you would state:


“I easily succeed at all I try.’

“Success and I are one.”

“Success comes easily to me.”

“I always succeed.”

“I create success in all I say and do.”

“Others see me as successful.”


For Enlightenment state:

“I am a child of the Light”

“God and I are one.”

“I am enlightened.”

“I am open to the light always.”



For abundance state:

“Abundance always flows into my life.”

“I am abundant in all ways.”

“I am overflowing with abundance.”

“I am open to receive.”

“I am abundant on all levels.”


Another set:

“Money flows easily to me.”

“I am a money magnet.”

“Money and I are one.”

“I am prosperous.”


Now for changing patterns of guilt and shame state:


“I am guilt free.”

“I am empowered.”

“I am unashamed.”

“I accept all my emotions as being good.”

“I am perfect in my light.”

“I am special.”


State for anchoring Light:


“I am the light within.”

I am a child of light.”

“The light and I are one.”

“I am a divine emanation of light.”


State for love:


“My life is filled with love.”

“I am love.”

“I am loved.”

“I am surrounded continuously with love.”