We are in a major time of soul awakenings during this year of 2020. We are also advancing ourselves to new heights and levels of consciousness.
Many beings are new to the realms of consciousness and might wonder if what they experiencing is valid. Indeed it is! Though this is an awkward time for planet Earth herself, a major awakening continues. Such an awakening as this brings souls closer to the understanding of their eternity and how all life is interconnected.
We have learned to survive and still not lose sight of awareness that all life evolves, particularly our soul consciousness. We develop in levels and degrees and find our expectations often hold us back.
When we discover that all Spirit is one, we also know that we are energy. Decreeing every day that “I Am Energy”, helps us align more quickly with the inner and higher self.
Aligning with the energies of goodness and Light we discover that we are not and were never alone.
Raising ones energies is a personal choice and though it may have been chosen within ones soul we begin to understand we chose this before we were born this lifetime.
No one wants to keep learning the same lessons over and over again. Awakening to the authentic self brings us that much closer to our true purpose in being.