2010 The beginning of a New Cycle
Athene Raefiel
On December 31 2009, we experienced a Full Moon. This particular moon was also a blue Moon, (second full moon in same month), and was also a Partial Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer. Blue moon eclipses are a rarity and the next one will not arrive until 2028.
We are currently experiencing a Mercury Retrograde as well as moving into a Solar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn on January 14, 2010. These massive and wonderful energies have re-opened some very powerful gateways of loving advancement energy and synergy that we have needed to move forward evolutionarily.
Wow, what a timely comeback from the energy of the past 14 months when the energies took a forty- five degree turn with no forewarning; as if all of the momentum that had been built from the previous two decades seemed to just disappear. It felt as if we went into retrograde and back to the birth canal. We suddenly had no control at all in the massive change of events and tides of flow and most of us felt as if the rug had been pulled out beneath their feet while they were still walking, This screeching, forty -five degree turn occurred in Early November 2008, it was in conjunction with the US Presidential race as well.
Here is a world already pinning its hopes and dreams on change we can believe in and then the bottom seemingly falls away. It has been one big roller coaster ride since then, and many beautiful souls have left and joined our planet during this season of fog and dreariness. Now the light is back and shines forward heralding unparalleled energy and power. We need this power to regain and remain empowered ourselves. We need to bathe ourselves in this unconditional loving light to heal the wounds we have endured in the recent past and we also must re-energize our vitality, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
It is time to re-energize, re-create and build, a time to know that we did nothing wrong and that the changes we have been through could not be stopped. It is our time to re-establish our spiritual vows and disciplines to patiently take the time to restore our inner joy and fulfillment. How can we help others, if we ourselves are depleted?
What we have been through, in this past 14 months, is no greater or less than a massive hurricane or tsunami that thundered right through our path and destroyed everything that we had built over many years. It would be easy to brood and be bitter about what is gone, but that is not the nature of the spiritual warrior. The nature of the spiritual warrior is to do whatever is needed to recover from whatever it is life throws at them.
All the answers we need lie within each and every one of us. Truth is everywhere and ever expanding. Sometimes we fall and sometimes the prankster Coyote trips us up. But what truly matters is how present one can stay in the chaos and then still come out the other side understanding that death and re-birth are one and the same thing.
To all of you who have made the journey and the sacrifices to establish a new Reality filled with Love, Light, and Abundance and Sharing, I honor you! To those of you who have started your realizations in this past decade or so, I wish you strength and fortitude. And to all of you just opening up and beginning to realize your soul path as the true nature and purpose in life, I send you great inspiration and love.
All of us have chosen to experience this particular lifetime in the physical because we wanted to clean up our karma and ascend to planes of unconditional learning. This lifetime is a magnificent gift that has also been extremely intense for all who chose to discover awareness of the whole being and spiritual reality.
Remember always, the same simple truths that have been handed down, century after century, still apply. The journey of life is about Self-Realization and Self-Actualization.
May the beginning of this new cycle help you let go of the past and begin with what you have, and may you find grace and kindness in all that you do and that you are.
Much Love,