Predictions for 2012 and beyond
Published December 2011 in The Sedona Journal
By Athene Raefiel and “The Spiritual Councils of Light”Open yourselves to the Light.
The time of transformation is upon the Planet and her peoples.
What is coming up is nothing less exhilarating than what has already shown itself to be the new order and flow of time and energy.
What will 2012 bring?
Governments all over the world will be going through a re-alignment of what Government means.
1. In the United States: Your President Barack Obama will have to fight hard to hold onto his Presidency and will. It will be a struggle and there will be a race like none other in the History of the United States, but the altruism of this President will sustain another four years. US forces will have to stay in Afghanistan well beyond the deadline hoped for. Until at least 2014.
2. In Libya, there will be a period of descent by more than one faction of the peoples, yet in the interim they will find a Governing Body. Much like the situation in Iraq it will take time for the many diversified beings of the culture to determine how to work together and bring democracy. This will begin in 2012 and continue until 2013. In the year 2014 there will a new better established Governing System that will allow a new healing process to take place.
Libya’s people are tired of fighting and being poor, they seek the same opportunities as the rest of developed nations. 3. Japans governing bodies will find themselves in the worst upheaval they have experienced since Hiroshima. Since they believed nothing could compare with the devastation of that time, they have discovered that Nature is a bold taskmaster. Unfortunately since they are an Island they are in a geographical position to be hit by the Oceanic changes on all coastlines. Their very survival will depend on their technological advances and their co-operation with other nations.
4. Africa: One of the oldest continents on Earth, once again will become a larger than life focus for the rest of the world’s peoples. Everyone has been so busy trying to figure out how to hold onto their money and means that they have deserted the greatest humanitarian crises your planet is experiencing.
The Genocide and starvation as well as the animal population of Africa (Along with Insect and mineral) are primary to the workings of the entire world of land mass. Being one of the earliest land masses known to hold human life it is imperative to preserve what is established in the area. (Currently 78 Million malnourished beings. Not including animals)
5. China: With a population of 1.3 billion people, seeks to create another Empire just as they have in that region of the world for centuries. A communist regime, the Government believes that it can control its peoples and their thoughts. When this didn’t work they decided to program people to work continually at mind dreary jobs to accommodate their needs and families.
China is certain to re-discover itself in 2012. The power it has gained will see major losses in the World Markets and they will decide to move into new areas of industry, (just as they have always done). The exception now is, as a country they are not alone. India, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, all have opened themselves up to greater prosperity as nations and want to be free as individuals to live a life of surplus and contentment.
6. Closer to the US is Mexico. This Country is in for big challenges and changes governmentally in 2012. The people of this country want to live and feel safe in their own homes and environment. This Government has a lot of re-organizing to do to eliminate the power of the drug cartels who have recently taken over entire towns.
The Country of Mexico is an ecological wonder and needs to focus on maintaining a balanced state with Nature. Mexico, as well as Central and South America, aide the planet through their great ecological thinking and awareness. For North America it would behoove them to help these countries with sustainable products to help bring the balance back to North America that is needed for Plant, Animal, Mineral and Human Life.
7. Canada: Though this country seems far from Europe they will experience the same Governmental and Diplomatic problems this year of 2012. There seems to be a decisive energy that is bringing citizens to new heights of awareness of what they want and need from their governments, and this Country Canada, will also have to yield, with new strategies.
8. Europe will see an economic meltdown and massive government upheaval. The UK is searching for the same resolutions as the United States to its economic woes.
9. Russia will allow itself to move backwards on the Governing Scale in hopes it can once again prosper as a world leader and economy. This does not bode well for Democracy.
(Note from Athene: It is the Ecology of the Planet that nations need to be focusing on and time is short. All this Government and Economic bull will be the undoing of an entire planet if things do not swiftly move into this arena of what Earth needs in 2012.)
Earth Changes 2012:
Inner earth tectonic plates are moving rapidly. Since they are beneath the ocean floors they affect all things. When there is an earthquake under the sea then there is a disruption to the sea itself and all land masses near it.
So long as the plates are being disrupted by ecological influences so will all life on land. It is not unusual for tectonic plate movement as it is a natural process, yet to have the massive amount of movement currently occurring well into the next few years, there will be massive storm occurrences.
The ecological balance of nature has been disrupted in large part to human’s misunderstanding of its order. This has forced nature to try and re-balance as well as re-create itself.
Animals have been found to be losing their sense of direction and homing instincts. Insects are moving to areas that are warmer or cooler depending on their natural environment, and bird populations are diminishing as well as aquatic animals.
Food shortages will continue through 2012 as more genetic foods will be produced. This leads all the way back to cloning and food enhancement.
All of this also affects all types of crops, therefore clothing will be more expensive and in greater shortage as well.
Many plants are beginning to morph and not yielding the same materials in the same way they did before. This will cause a type of genetic mutation on its own. This mutation also affects the inside and outside of human bodies.
Ecologically speaking, 2012 spells disaster plus, as nature works to restore some semblance of balance to herself.
Pole Shifts:
How do the pole shifts affect the Earth and her axis?
The earth has a magnetic core that is made up of a ball of elements mostly decided by scientists to be of Iron and Nickel Alloy. The temperature is thought to be much the same as that of our Sun.
The outer core of the earth is known as the liquid core. Each of these has its own revolution of speed. The inner cores speed is believed to be 2/3 faster than the outer core.
Earth belonging to the solar system with the sun actually being the sole supplier of electricity and light upon the planet, anything to do with solar activity has a major impact on everything from weather to health of plant, animal, human etc. The sun plays a major role in what the earth does as a natural being.
The whole of 2012 predictions and the great cataclysm that will claim the destruction of life on earth has to do with the magnetic pole shifts that are already occurring. The common belief is that other civilizations that are now extinct such as the Mayan and Egyptian societies left us coded messages explaining what happened to other civilizations at the time of such pole shifts.
If and when the poles shifts happen, creating; North to South and South to North, it will first impact the core of the Earth. This will cause the core of the Earth to begin rotating in the opposite direction. This action will cause the speed of Earth’s rotation to slow but cannot, in and of itself, spin the Earth in the opposite direction. Only the core of the earth and other solar and planetary factors can do this, and only over billions of years.
The shifting of the Earth’s axis, in and by itself, will have an effect that no one can predict, but can definitely help to bring the outer core into a newness of life and growth. When the pole shifts occur and the center of the Earth begins to spin in the opposite direction the outer rotation will slow. Since the Earth has always has a wobble effect, its wobble will also be affected. When the core finds its new balance and rhythm, so will the outer core again stabilize its rotation.
Author Note: Over the past 10 years the Magnetic North Pole has shifted nearly half of the distance as that of the past 50 years.
This acceleration is what is driving many to believe that a disaster of major cataclysmic proportions will happen in 2012. It is also what it makes time feel as if it has accelerated.
Financial Markets:
In 2012 the world financial markets will continue to be unstable. Just as we have said many times before, the monetary system of your world needs to be changed. The system of markets was a good idea, yet it has become the ruling factor for countries all through your world. It is its own empire and runs by its own rules. It is a massive entity that operates off of the fears of others. It destroys lives and hope, with the promise of wealth. It has taken the power away from the common individual.
Again we will re-iterate our perception of what life on your earth needs to be.
Bring back a balance with the natural order of life.
Stay as centered in the true Light of Love as possible.
Surrender to your soul and spirit essence.
Teach others the truth of the whole being.
Radiate the loving light of light within that you are.
Meditate on being free and what that actually is.
Continually commune with all the Higher Realms of Love and Light.
Confront your fears and move through them.
May you each find the true joy of Love within your being and may you live the true essence of light you were designed to be.
The Spiritual Councils of Light