Anchoring Light



Setting Space and Anchoring of Light

By: Athene Raefiel


When we want to understand the energy self, and the energy beings we call spirit guides, we need to practice putting ourselves in a purified sacred energy space. This is what I call setting the space. Needing to keep our energy fields clear is important for us to feel safe and also be in tune with our intuition and divine counterpart.

To begin, it is good to smudge your sacred space with some white sage or a stick of incense.  When you are creating a sacred space within which to meditate, relax or even just contemplate, you will want to make it feel sacred and personal. Some people like to light candles seeing them as representing the flame or light of life within that they, and all other life is. Other spiritual tools you may want to use to set your spiritual space are rocks and crystals, statues and altars, special books and divination cards, runes and pendulums.

Don’t forget a notebook and pen, you never know what you may want to write down.

Doing this kind of exercise puts you in the right mood and helps you set your intent for the desired results.

When it is time to sit down and anchor the Light, Simply take some very deep breaths and relax your body, your mind and emotions.


Then State:

I call to the power of light that I am.

I call to my angels and spirit guides of light.

I call to my soul and spirit self.

I call to all those that assist, guide, guard and protect me.

I ask that they align their energies in and around me so that I may feel and experience my connection to the holy light within that I am.


Again take a few deep breaths and state:


I am a child of light and love.

I am loving light.

I am goodness and beauty.

I am the reflection of the holy light within.


Now simply visualize the sun shining directly over your head as you feel the warmth of the rays coming down around you. Fill your entire being and space with this light.

Now feel as if there are roots coming out through the bottom of your feet and let them move deeply into the earth. Now begin feeling the roots being filled with the nutrients from the earth.



Let a temple of light be created around you and bathe yourself in this light. Merge with the light, become one with it and experience the colors within the light as fully as possible.

Become the different colors you see, one at a time; the blue, the red, the pink, the emerald, the white, the gold and purple. Now let all the colors just simply move through you.  See yourself as this wonderful clear crystal emanating all these beautiful colors.

Realize how awesome it feels to be able to be these beautiful energies, sit within them and notice how angelic you feel.

Become a beam of light, expand yourself out in every different direction imaginable and allow yourself to come back to the outside world.

Now sit quietly for a few minutes while you assimilate the experience.

Now that you are centered within your light you may want to write down what you are feeling. You may want to use your tools of divination and see how clear your intuition has become. Or you may simply want to bask in the energy experience.

This is an exercise that should be done as often as possible for those wanting to learn to go within and connect to your spirit essence.

As lightworkers it is our calling to anchor the Universal light into our lives daily. The universe asks nothing of us but to become attuned to ourselves as light beings and assist them in the creation of light within the physical plane of existence. This we do by anchoring light.



Many Blessings of Love.

Please leave a comment and let me know you are listening.

I have been putting out messages for many years now and love the feedback. You are all spiritual warriors and I congratulate you and the distance you have come. Keep paying attention to the Universe and Your Higher Selves; so much will be forthcoming soon.                    Blessings of Light! It works and is helping people on the Planet “get it”.

Gaia, Mother Earth


Message from Gaia


Children of Earth,

Your planet cries out to you, do you not hear me?

“Stop the senseless destruction and devastation to me. Every bomb that is set off reverberates though massive layers of earths ground and displaces more and more of my energy. Every bullet that is fired has its own reverberation. Every person, animal or plant that is killed for no reason leaves a gap in the whole of what I am. The complete dismissal of my feeling body is another wound to my being and my heart. The natural order of life no longer exists and as I struggle to repair the damage, more and more is piled upon me. It is as if I do not count at all to your human species of life.’

“Have you forgotten where your food and shelter come from? Have you forgotten the Law of replenishment? Take what you need but give back and restore.”

My oceans are not your dumping grounds nor are they there to test your weaponry. The rubble you create through your wars and hatred cannot be eaten by me. I hunger not for these things. I am a living organism who has been around for many a millennium, I have dealt with Asteroids, Comets, Dinosaurs and other worlds weaponry; but never imagined that which I spawned would seek to destroy me.

Yes much of your kind walked out of the Oceans to be the protectors of Earth not the destroyers.

As you feed your materialism and need to rule, you overlook your most important and valuable asset: me. So many honor me and ask for my help, yet ignore what I need to maintain and restore some semblance of balance, always looking to another planet or star system to live upon in the future.

What you sow shall you also reap. Pretending my message is not of real importance shows your ability to ignore your own smelly waste.

Yes I could send you a wonderful message of hope and encouragement, yet these are the things I need from you right now. Make haste, time is of the essence.


Prayer and Honor to Planet Earth:

Mother Earth, Lady Gaia, I come to you today in humility, trust and love. I beg your forgiveness for the blinders I have put on and choose from this day forward to awaken to your call of need and sustenance. I honor you, I love you, I appreciate all that you bring to me in life.

I am sorry for the destruction of what others have done to you and pray for the strength to assist and replenish you and the life upon you, with everything I have within me. I ask my spirit to assist me in this and honor the spirit of life that you and I are.

Lady Gaia, Mother Earth, please restore and replenish yourself and become strong and whole once again. I ask the other planetary bodies and star systems you are connected with, to come to your aid in this trying time and assist you.

Beloved I am, beloved I am, beloved I am.



Hey everyone I thought I better mention something about vibration.

I’ve heard a number of people express that they don’t understand why they cannot create or manifest what they’re trying to do. I realized today that we are all about vibration. When we don’t learn or know how to raise or change our vibrations we will not succeed with the Universal Law of cause and effect. My learning and understanding of this chakra has to do with the Throat Chakra and the plane of Cause and Effect.

Before we can master or use this plane of existence to create, we first must Healed the Heart Chakra, this Chakra having to do with a balance of conditional and unconditional love.

When we are born most of us work through the vibration of the three lower chakras, the Root physical body, the Sacral, Emotional Body and the Solar Plexus or rational mind. These are needed for humans to learn how to do what humans need, like walking, talking, caring, hurt, pain etc.

The Heart Chakra is the balancer between the upper and lower chakras.

The three upper chakras are the Throat chakra or (the Causal Plane), the Ajna chakra or third eye chakra (celestial Body) and the Sahasrara or Crown chakra or (The Christed body, sometimes called the God Body).

If we do not learn how to vibrate at these particular frequencies we cannot master using any of them.

Many people open their third eye before the heart therefore have the ability to see many things they do not understand but simply espouse themselves to be physics and teachers but are yet to understand the true vibrations of inner seeing.

Until people explore and learn about healing and raising their vibrations they cannot enact properly with these various planes of existence. This can take years of practice and since we live mostly in an instant gratification era, some want to the magic wand way of doing this.

Becoming integrated within all these bodies will bring you the greatest joy and gifts imaginable. Trying to use them without knowing how to vibrate with them will usually bring sadness and failure.

The chakras are part of the Kundalini. If you do not know of this you should learn about it.

In my book, “Getting to the Heart” I explain much about this and also provide exercises to implement the teaching.

Many blessings, Athene

Being Psychic

People are sometimes confused by what I do as a psychic. I have been doing consultations for over 30 years. I’ve helped people through divorces, family matters, death and dying, work related things and their quest for a better life. I’ve worked with people from all walks of life and around the world.

My parents used to tell me not to share with others when family members who had crossed over would come to visit me. My step father called me a child of Satan, and I could see energy around plants, animals and mountains, from the time I was two.

I left home and Country at 15 and as you could imagine had a pretty rough life.

At 28 years old I met a group of people who told and taught me that I was gifted, at thirty I began to meditate and have done so every day since. I was taught by Archangel Raphael at age 38 to go within and heal my lifetimes. I discovered what he taught me was basically called Transpersonal Hypnotherapy; went to school for it and got my Clinical certification. Later went to Mediation courses in Boulder Co.

Started reading and studying books at about 30, by the Theosophical Society, Comparative Religions including but not limited to, Buddism, Brahmism, Taoism, Hinduism, The Torah and the Bible. Will forever be a spiritual student.

Found peace and enlightenment in my late thirties early forties, married at 45 and am 68 now. I have been living my truth and teaching others to Meditate and work within Soul to the best of my ability ever since. Nothing in my life has been easy but all of it has been a blessing, I Am That I am.


Being Married


I was sure I was never get married!


I have been married for 28 years. My husband and I have weathered losing all our parents, all my siblings, 6 major orthopedic replacement surgeries, loss of a home, fire, and three great-grandchildren, two of whom we nursed from birth to 2 or three months old.

He is a keeper and one in a million. We’re just getting started!

Good and Evil

Good and Evil

The Astral Plane

By; Athene Raefiel 2018


Everyone has their own awareness and belief about good and evil. I can only share what I have learned since accessing my own Akashic records and the Lower Astral Level to which we are all exposed and experience throughout life.

Within the astral plane are many different levels of existence.  When we remember that the heart chakra is attached to both the upper and lower chakras, exploration of the astral becomes one of a spiritual as well as physical nature. All things being interconnected and part of a whole, whatever people believe to be truth, is created and dwells within the astral plane. The astral body and astral consciousness experientially travel throughout the astral plane continually. In the physical plane, we, our planet and solar system are all within the astral plane.

The astral is a repository of the energies of the Cosmos on their way downwards and it is a receptacle of whatever passes out of the physical sphere on its way upward.

Exploring the astral plane is like going to a library that is filled with an immense variety of categories and experiences. Each person’s book of life as well as all the stories of creation is catalogued within the astral library.

All information and learning in the astral is transmitted and received through a process of osmosis. In this manner, we actually absorb information though our inner awareness and understanding.

In metaphysics, the astral library is often referred to as the Akashic Records. To understand fully the volumes of information we have access to here; we need to become spiritually integrated. The five outer senses are of little use when exploring the astral plane and Akashic records; opening and developing the inner senses is primary.

One of the levels of experience within the astral plane is referred to by some as hell, or purgatory. This dimension is where the so-called demons reside.

Every thought and emotion humankind experiences produce energy. Through our fears and vivid imaginations, we create energies that often produce entities. These thought forms dwell within the astral plane and are seen as demons. Not all demons are bad. Many religions refer to Angels and other beings of light as being demons as well. Yet energies that are created from ignorance and fear are dark energies and feed off the negative emotions of man. Needing negative emotion to survive they often attack humans in their sleeping and waking state producing fear and hatred so as to feed. Hence came the lore of vampires.

Seemingly, human beings cannot make themselves do what is good unless they have the threat of evil to overcome. This martyr program has been taught as a religious dogma helping humans acquiesce to it as being their nature. The power of evil is great only because of the power we give it.

Energy creates, and beliefs are very potent energies.  When people believe in fear, pain, chaos, and deprivation, these projected energies take on a form and life of their own.

The dwelling place of these vampire energies is known as the lower astral. These are our energies; therefore, they become our demons.  When we die, these entities remain in the lower astral awaiting our return to earth. When we reincarnate, these energies are restored to us because we are their creators and only we have the power to un-create them.

We must see for ourselves what we have initially created, before we can create anew. Because all things are created from energy, all things can be brought back to a pure energy state.  Reacting in fear or ignorance when confronted with these creations blocks our spiritual progression. By continual denial of the existence of these blocks, humans remain stagnate and remain stuck in dysfunction.

When we open our hearts to transmute our creations, “our demons”, they disappear.  This only happens by us bringing them a pure energy state of love. Love is the eternal fire of life that burns within every heart. Love is the greatest healer that we have.



Heavenly worlds of color and geometry also dwell in the astral plane, awaiting exploration. Using astral consciousness, one can see and experience Angels and Teachers of Light. These beings use this plane of consciousness, to make themselves visible to us.

Using our astral consciousness, we can visit other universes, galaxies, and beautiful temples of love. The astral plane was created for us to have direct accessibility to our companions in spirit. These beings are known as spirit guides. These guides and teachers of love are part of our spiritual family. They are always with us in spirit helping us understand the spiritual nature of our earthly journey.

When people first begin consciously journeying within the astral plane, they tend to doubt the reality of their experiences, suggesting to themselves that it’s all imagination. They find it inconceivable that such a glorious and magical life can exist in the midst of our chaotic everyday existence.

It is the outer world senses and learned responses that are at first difficult to override. It takes time and training to experience and accept the different realities that exist, especially when they exist within you. Our perceptions can only change when we open and allow it to happen. When we take the time to explore the astral realm, we can discover a limitless multitude of spirit awareness and personal understanding.


Astral plane

The astral plane, also called the astral world, is a plane of existence postulated by classical (particularly neo-Platonic), medieval, oriental and esoteric philosophies and mystery religions. It is the world of the celestial spheres, crossed by the soul in its astral body on the way to being born and after death, and generally said to be populated by angels, spirits or other immaterial beings.

Astral plane – Wikipedia



Inner Child

We are multi-aspected beings. What this means is that we are always an adult as well as a child, a teacher, a student, a spirit, a soul, a body and so on.  If we were stunted emotionally by childhood experiences, we find ourselves re-living those experiences continually throughout life. Most families are comprised of adults whose reality is an,” accepted fear for survival”. When raised in such an environment children experience a life filled with fear and attachment as a way of surviving.

When a person is brought up in an environment of denial and pain, they stuff their child-like emotions into the deep inner recesses of their being. These things often happen at very early ages and stages of life without us ever even knowing it took place.

Freeing these repressed child-like emotions is key to the soul’s journey. As it says in the Bible, “Ye may not enter into the Kingdom of My Father lest ye come as a child”, refers to this emotional internal freedom. This child within us is our unconditional loving part.  Like a child who has been abandoned by a parent, the child within anxiously awaits our return.

Because the child within has been damaged through its life experiences involving family and environment, our first memories and responses to it may be painful. Emotions of anger, resentment, hurt, even rage, can be covering the deep love within.

Sometimes when these emotions re-surface the instinct to re-stuff the child within may be strong, yet the child within holds the key to emotional freedom.  All the pain that has been held inside must be released. Once you have reintroduced yourself to your child within, the true healing of self can begin.

For all of us, the child within is at the heart things.   It represents our unconditional understanding and inner divinity.   Healing and opening ourselves to learn as a child again, allows us to use the wisdom and experience gained by becoming an adult. Our child within assists us in a process of learning anew.  We can now parent our child within , by sharing, nurturing, loving and accepting him/her. By establishing a new way of development for our inner child, we can create a new bond of trust and hope for the future.

As you get to know your child within, you may begin to realize just how fragmented you have become.  You will discover that your child within has many aspects to be explored. Your inner child may even be a child guide and companion helping you on your path of discovery.

As you begin allowing the child within to be your guide, while discovering additional child like emotions buried inside, you discover whole other parts of the emotional body you have suppressed.  These emotions represent distinct stages of growth and development in life when emotional development was stunted.

We discover that we become emotionally stuck, because as children we do not have the tools to understand and resolve our dilemmas. As long as the child within is imprisoned, we will continue to face the same emotional dilemmas in life as we have in the past.

Freeing and healing the child within allows us to change and understand others and ourselves emotionally.  The consciousness of the emotional body is connected through our sacral chakra. Through the cleansing and healing of our emotional body, we elevate our emotional vibrations to a heart-felt energy level and transmute the pain of the past. We reinstate the child within to our heart chakra where it can grow and dwell in a place of joy and peace.


I don’t get it.

Brrrr it has been rather cold here lately. Always makes me worry more about the homeless people and how they are staying warm. My husband says I worry too much about things that are out of my control. Yes I guess that could be right, but nonetheless I do concern myself with these things.

The Caravan coming to the US and how we have the military putting up barbed wire to stop them; we should have FEMA at the border crossings they will be coming to. Yes this is a National disaster and I thought that was how we responded to such.

People of Yemen starving to death as well as other countries peoples. I don’t get it. How can I sit in my nice warm house with plenty of food and not care about starvation? The massive amount of homelessness in this country as well as others; so many people and children displaced? How do we ignore such things and get on with our happy lives?

I am a spiritual being who believes in balance and harmony of some sort, but I am hard pressed to find it in our culture as human beings. I don’t get it.

Caring and kindness are inexpensive items that we should all have more of. I believe we can do better to help mankind and this planet.