Lecture Series

Wow and hello, time got away from me recently and I did not advertise this coming Sunday the 26th will be the first of my new lecture series from 1-3pm. Please call me to save a place for you. RSVP (719) 598-8158 Athene ;and your friends!
This Sunday’s talk will be about Divinity and The Divine Mother now working with the Planet and her peoples.
How Spirit works with us in daily life and how to follow the new energies now operating in the third, fourth and fifth Dimensions
Hoe you can make it the next time I will hold one of these gatherings and share who The Ascended Masters are will be Sunday February 9th,, 1 to 3pm.
Must RSVP to receive the address in Village Seven 80917, to hold you spot.
Asking for a $20.00 donation at time of event, but all donations excepted.
This year promises to be and extraordinary event for those seeking to move up the ladder spiritually and utilize them to assist in what you wish to manifest while helping others grow.
Thanks in advance, time for Light Workers to excel.
Blessed Be, Athene

Aquarian Age

I feel very strongly that we are in a new time of spiritual awakening comparative to The Harmonic Convergence back in 1987.

I am noticing these energies to be completely new and inexperienced for all of us. Those already on their path are reaching higher dimensions of consciousness while others are just beginning to wake up.

I am not sure how long this period will last but I am sure it will maintain for a full cycle of time which could be several decades of time to include perhaps even a century of human time.
For the Divine Realm to bless us with such presence as it currently is a very strong leap in momentum and stresses that we all learn of The Divine Light and utilize it in our daily life.

What we are now seeing in the outside world is a peeking of chaos brought about by the insensitivity of humans. This has got to stop if we are to save ourselves and the planet. Walk what you talk please, and remember to recycle everything. This is only the beginning.

! Thank you Alex Myles.

Long, but worth it! IMPORTANT! Thank you Alex Myles.



January 12th, 2020, is bringing a huge and dramatic energy shift and is possibly going to be the most intense and life-altering day of the entire year.

Collectively our entire planet is about to go through a major and rapid transformation, as the old Saturn Pluto synodic cycle closes out and a new one begins.

We will all start to notice that both internal and external transformations are occurring on a huge level, as outdated beliefs, past conditioning, old patterns and oppressive and limiting structures disintegrate and fall apart.

Saturn, the Lord of Karma, and Pluto, the planet of transformation, have connected in Capricorn, the constellation that Saturn rules over, and the zodiac sign most well known for discipline, responsibility and “reaping what you sow.”

To add to the mix, Mercury also aligns with both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, amplifying the energy even further. This means it is possible that heated discussions may be occurring relating to limitations, restrictions, communication issues, misunderstandings, travel plans or relocations. However, we will be far less likely to be drawn into these types of arguments and debates and we will find we have a clearer and calmer voice and that we stand up for what we believe in, so we can forge through with the plans we’ve long been trying to manifest.

We will notice we have mental clarity and that we are strong willed, bolder, more determined and less likely to be swayed by those who don’t hold the same values, ideologies and desires as we do, and we’ll be unstoppable in moving forward to create the exact life we’ve been desperately wanting to live.

This once-in-a-lifetime planetary alignment in Capricorn will force anything out of alignment to fall apart. Whatever lacks integrity, compassion, pure intent or morality will face the consequences, or simply be eliminated, as both Saturn and Pluto’s influence brings justice and balance back into our lives.

The Saturn and Pluto conjunction is a major catalyst, signifying the completion of a 38 year era, when the planets last met in Libra, and the start of an exciting new one.

We will begin to witness either break downs or break throughs happening around us, as whatever no longer serves a divine purpose clears out and new systems take form in their place. This can be a painful process at times, so it is recommended to surrender to these purging energies and release whatever or whoever holds us back, lowers our vibration or that we know is not resonating, sustainable or healthy to be around.

If we don’t make necessary decisions for ourselves, the Universe will surely sweep in and make them for us, and this is when we are forced to learn lessons the harder way, rather than navigating them in our own time and on our own terms.
Particularly as both Saturn, Pluto and Capricorn can all be quite serious, disciplined, determined and forceful energies, so while they will be fully supporting our highest good, they won’t be playing around when it comes to creating necessary change and much needed transformation.

While Saturn and Pluto take us through a sometimes brutal period of letting go of energies that are out of alignment, it is important to remember that the short term pain and discomfort is better than spending long periods repeatedly making the same mistakes, going over the same tired old lessons and being embroiled in turmoil or emotional harm, and overall, in scenarios that aren’t genuine or holding loving intentions.

Saturn can be an immensely positive influence in our lives, if we open to it, as it offers clarity and wisdom to situations we have previously failed to make sense of. This wise and disciplined planet offers the opportunity to dive deep and soul search so we can figure out exactly what has been happening in our lives and most importantly why.

Saturn orbits the sun so slowly that it shows us patience, control, tolerance, persistence, surrender, and composure, and helps us understand that when we want to manifest our dreams and best possible life, commitment and perseverance always pay off.

Saturn helps determine whether we’re placing our energy in the right areas and if all our loyalty, dedication, and faithfulness to certain people or situations are truly worth it. It also takes us through stages that feel unrelenting and destabilising, as this planet is all about learning from past mistakes, so it asks us to revisit them if we haven’t fully learned the lesson. We can only move forward when we understand why we put ourselves in certain situations or become emotionally involved with people who we weren’t meant to be with long-term.

Pluto compliments Saturn’s energy by forcing us through a deep cleanse to clear out low vibrational energy, whether by our doing, or by the Universe unexpectedly shifting things around so we have no option but to break ties with whatever or whoever is anchoring or pulling us down.

To sail through this period without too much disruption it is imperative that we contemplate why we are clinging to unfulfilling, unhealthy and undesirable dynamics, when we know we have the strength to make a clean break and detox and heal from any dependency or pain.

The transition is not going to be easy, we may try to fight aspects of it, throw tantrums, release tears and raise white flags with reluctance. However, as the days pass we will heal, restructure, regroup and realise how imperative the skin-shedding was for the evolution of our soul’s journey and expansion.

This Saturn and Pluto connection heightens karmic attraction, meaning that whatever we have been putting out is going to be returned in magnitude. This will be a majorly positive period for those who have been living compassionately with good intentions, and those who have been trying hard to break free from old and harmful patterns of behavior.

It will be an extremely healing period where the positive vibrations that have been sent out over recent months or years will be returning 100 fold. For those who have dedicated time and energy to good causes, or focusing on social missions and life purposes, these next few months will be the time when blessings and miracles arrive in abundance and rewards flood in.

If there have been situations that we know that we haven’t been our best selves in, we can ease karmic payback by choosing to recognize where we have fallen short, and to make amends where applicable. Being authentic and willing to take accountability and resolve issues as they arise, or better, taking action before they become issues, ensures our karmic footprint lessens, and if we have previously taken a wrong path, we can turn energy around by taking responsibility and ensuring our apologies or future behavior rights the wrongs.

If we don’t pay attention to the lessons that this cosmic meeting offers it is likely we will remain stuck in old ways, repeating similar mistakes, attracting challenging circumstances and relationships that cause drama or suffering, and wondering why life continuously feels challenging, chaotic and like groundhog day.

It is our choice: we can awaken, grow and shift our lives forward, or stay stuck, constantly feeling triggered and unfulfilled, and emotionally, mentally, spiritually and even physically limited and stagnant.

Whatever we choose, for every energetic action there is a reaction. We can make it positive or negative by remembering that whatever we give out to the universe will be returned in abundance.

This is a regeneration period, where we will be purging and eliminating whatever has fallen out of alignment, including old beliefs & patterns, intrusive and obsessive thinking, blaming and shaming, judgements, grudges, bad habits, limiting fears, resentments, one-sided and half-hearted dynamics, heavy baggage, negative feelings from the past, worries about the future, things we cannot change, the need to control, unrealistic expectations and basically anything or anyone that has already let go of us.

We will discover that if we are not willing to make difficult decisions that are vital for our emotional, mental, spiritual or physical wellbeing, then the Saturn and Pluto energy force will move in with turbulence and make them for us by removing from our lives anything or anyone that is harming or stunting our overall soul growth or health.

We are about to go through a major personal transformation and as the months pass we will be releasing our hold on anything harmful and creating space for much more healthy, fulfilling, balanced and harmonious encounters.

Overall, this is going to be one of the most transformational and life-altering phases we will go through. If we align with the energy and allow it to flow into our lives, we will rapidly notice alterations occurring and amazing possibilities miraculously becoming readily available. It is vital now to pay attention to the energy we are putting out, and to sit back and observe how the Universe blesses & returns it.




Time to bring in more Love

I wish to tell all of you that when we have intention in the same matter with our prayer great things can and do happen.

No matter whom we pray to the intention and number and intensity matter.

So many of us put out that we do not want another war yesterday and so the powers suddenly felt it better to hold off.

I will soon be placing prayers and meditations for everyone to focus on the earth and The Divine Mother- Father- God, all that IS, to adjust the Elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water to discover balance to save the Earth and all of her inhabitants.

This is an intense time and the Divine Mother and her legions of Light are here to save Gaia, mother Earth so we all can still have a place to exist and live. This 2020 cycle is all about truth, faith, belief and prayer to help with this adjustment.

Each of you has power within the Light and Love of God-Goddess all that is to help to a greater extent than you give yourself credit for.

It is the loss of True love that allows this devastation to continue. Though we cannot turn back time but we can assist in the new and pure Love of spirit to assist and save this beautiful planet.

You can set aside at least 5 to 10 minutes daily to focus your intent on Mother Earth and pray for her safety and new balance. The Divine Realms are here now; please utilize them in your own way.

earth Prayer

I am the power and the light within all that I am. I am that I am I am that I am I am that I am.

I am earth, I am Air, I am fire, and I am water, I am that I am I am that I am I am that I am.

Mighty beings of Light and Love bring your energies bring your love. Surround our planet with the goodness and grace of the Divine light.

Lighten the load of the downtrodden and help them find love, entice humankind to find kindness and compassion, beloved I am Beloved I am, Beloved I am.

I pray for the grace of divine love to embrace humankind and Earth from above.

The Earth cries out for your grace and help, the winds cry out for more balance and love, The flame of holy sanctity needs to be restored and the waters cry out for help from above.

To our creators we call, we need your wisdom and love.

Free us from the charges of hated and destruction, encompass us with protection and love.

Now see the Earth being surrounded in a globe of light and protection. Call forth the ruby red flame and golden rod. Hold steady to the will of God, Goddess, all that is!

2020 coming soon

Wow it’s already December 23rd 2019 and we will be blessed with a Solar Eclipse on the 25th. That will be the charming portal bringing forth the new energies to help change the Earth and all her species. It currently feels like the calm before the storm today and I as look forward to next two Eclipses. The lunar will be January 10th2020.

2020 ads up to a four year where foundation is key; every time we have such foundational shifts it promises to shift cosmic energies lifting us up out of the sludge and helping us plant a new Earth.

Wow the challenges we face shall surly be attainable and uplifting as well as positive bringing back a polarity needed to sustain the Earth and her inhabitants. 2020 is also a year of judgement in many ways Helping the poor and displaced find ways to not only survive but pull themselves up out of the muck and allowed to finally find some solid ground to stand upon.

Some call me an eternal optimist but in reality I am just another human being born with what is called “The Sight”. So very much enlightenment ahead for those truly seeking truth while attending a great awakening similar to the 1985, 86 Harmonic Convergence.

I see many new Ascended Teachers taking on the sheath of a human body to attend the true seekers of life to find the true path of enlightenment and go forward in safety and love.

Many Blessings my friends and god, goddess speed.

Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is the longest day of the year and falls on December 21st, 2019.

We do ceremony to bring the light back to the world. This year is exceptional as the Solstice will be followed by a Solar Eclipse December 25th, 2019.

I’m going to say we have some unusually hard aspects In December and from what I am seeing it is definitely affecting men much differently than women. This month is an adjustment time for the Yin and Yang to find new balance.

The essence of the Divine Mother entering the fourth dimension will be clearly anchored during this time. Her presence will make itself known during and after the set of Eclipses being Solar in December and the Lunar January 10, 2020.

These energies will bring a great deal of introspection to the surface to be healed and understood.

The Divine Mother comes to assist the Planet Earth in her reconstruction to find and balance Earth energies assisting the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms that have sustained the greatest damage.

She will bring with her an entourage of Divine Hosts and some that will be staying to assist humankind in finding Divinity and Love. Many new teachers will seem to suddenly emerge worldwide to assist the Millennials in what lies ahead for them.

We all will be humbled as the veil will be thinned allowing us to gain great clarity and answers about what we are doing here and why.

For many there will be a changing of the guard as we receive new teachers and guides.

Be aware of the simplest messages your intuition tells you and listen with your inner knowing.

Blessings of Light and Love to each of you; and remember” ye are gods”.

What a time of massive transformation and transition.

December 12th, 2019, Full moon in Gemini with ruling planet being Mercury is also the sign of the twins. Mercury will be working to impact and change old outdated beliefs. Many older beliefs must change in order for truth to outweigh deceit. We are seeing some of that currently with Governments worldwide. This sign also has to do with the nervous system, as well as hands, Lungs, shoulders and arms. Take good care of your health.

You may feel like a stranger in your own skin for a while and this may make you feel like you need more rest than usual. What you have declared to be usual begins to shift and turn.

This month’s powerful transits being a conjunction of Saturn, Pluto and Venus all in Capricorn, will be very challenging to Capricorn birth signs. It will also be impacting everyone else in their charts making people feel as if they are up and down and sideways. Stay as objective as possible as this conjunction can cause some explosive arguments where things that are said will not be forgotten or forgiven easily.

The portals being open this month are amazing to say the least, as the Divine Consciousness expands allowing our Divine Teachers to enter and assist the planet, we will also find ourselves exploring new dimensions of consciousness individually.

These kids of powerful energies also bring unexpected deaths and other unexpected things such as pregnancy, and relationship break ups. Be aware of how you are communicating and take nothing for granted right now.

I will write more soon on the energies of the Winter Solstice, December 21st and the Solar eclipse on December 25th, 2019 and the Lunar Eclipse January 10th 2020. The divine mother makes her entrance.

Blessings of Love, Athene





Good Day to be aligned.

Good day all you beautiful people. Well the cosmic energies have been very intense this year December looks very , very challenging.

I believe the Divine Mother will be fully entering the Earth plane with her entourage of Divine helpers in December 2019.

Astronomers have discovered a massive black hole 70 times the size of our sun recently and they are baffled that it had never been seen before, this is the portal she is coming through to see us.

Due to the massive energy she carries this month of November 2019 is a perfect time to work on ourselves and raise our vibrations. Perfect time to study and use Chakra alignments and be able to anchor with her vibrations when she is fully here.

My CD at CDBaby.com has three exercises on one Cd, For Aligning and healing self with the chakras. It is inexpensive to download to your computer or whatever electronic device you use; can be very helpful in these upcoming times. Just enter my name Athene Raefiel to find my CD’s and there should also be a sample you can listen to Also go to my website to hear samples.

There will be a complete change in frequency when she arrives and many will call it the Second coming of Christ. This December will prove to be a vibrational experience we will never forget.

Many blessings of love and Joy to you all.



Blessed Thanksgiving

Sun shining here to make a lovely day, Here to make my sadness go away. Goodness and love coming my way, I need this sunshine so much today.

Visualize the sun shining directly overhead feel the warmth of the rays surrounding you coming right down through the top of your head. Expand your light out to surround yourself and your space. Align your chakras and balance them within your light.

Feel your light touching all the people you love and keep in your sight.

Ask the Divine light of life to expand and surround all of those you love.

Take the time to center everyday within love.

Beloved I am, Beloved I am, Beloved I am.

Be in gratitude now and always.

Have a wonderful thanksgiving, stay safe.