Shifting into new energies

The next three months promise to bring changes into our realm of being that is unprecedented. Through my spiritual teachings and studies I have found that many times we need to be open to the newness of life.

Many of us older souls are awaiting this grand change to illuminate more souls before this year of 2020 ends. It is a past due awakening and many of us thought this would happen in 1999. These powerful energies at years end will truly bump up and change the entire face of this planet. We need this.

Mother Earth has been crying out for help with strong vibrations dating back to 1986. The Divine Mother being here now will challenge the hatred and anger of disgruntled souls while changing the face of destructive energies that have brought about chaos on a world scale.

Power changes will be happening worldwide as we gladly watch love and kindness replace that of pain and ugliness. It is past due and we all need to check our egos at the door and open to the true love and compassion within.

I will write and send out newsletter helping you to understand the planetary aspects upcoming this week. If you are not on my mailing list please sign up at

I am honored to be alive and participating in the upcoming shifts bringing light to overcome the darkness that lies within souls.

Love and Light

We have massive energies of light hitting us now through January 2020.

The major shifts have been occurring all year long but the December 21th, 2020 will be a massive conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter aligning bringing in Celestial Light to assist in the alignment of Mother Earth and her inhabitants in a manner never seen before.

Align yourself and be at peace. This will never in your life happen again.


Excerpt from “Getting to the Heart: Journey of Transformation and Spiritual Enlightenment” Written by: by Athene Raefiel  Trafford Publishing, 2003

In your search for understanding, meditation is the stage where you begin to move from the outer realms of consciousness to the inner realms. Remember everything you are searching for lies hidden inside you.  By accepting this truth, you become the greatest mystery available for your progression and exploration.  Reaching this step allows you to shift from the visible to the invisible, the tangible to the intangible and from a solid state to fluid. Here motion becomes energy and flow, rather than mass and matter.

When working to truly understand the universe that we are, our perceptions begin change. We expand our thinking to include the awareness of how everything is really energy before it is anything else. Here we discover how energy itself is the creative principle in all life and how we ourselves are that ever moving, always-changing self- same energy.

It is to meditation that we look to experience this understanding and awareness of being our true self.  While in a meditative state one can learn to detach and observe the workings of their rational mind. This reasoning part of the brain is often the greatest deterrent to finding the inner self.  In meditation we transition to find that space within ourselves that allows us to observe our own thoughts. In this manner, we discover the difference between who we think we are and who we truly are.

When you can sit in the quiet and observe how you think and feel, you are within consciousness. Now able to observe yourself, you begin ignoring the minds idle chatter. This allows you to move beyond your rationale and into the deeper dimensions of your being. In this altered state of consciousness, one feels and senses what is occurring rather than thinking about it.   Experiencing yourself in this manner allows you to connect easily with your inner awareness and understanding.

It is quite common when returning from a meditative state, to a physical state of consciousness, to be unable to recall ones experiences. Even upon remembering, finding the proper words to describe what took place may be difficult. The meditative experience awakens us to the inner dimensions of the self that we long ago forgot. It may at first take time to consciously remember and decipher these journeys, be patient.

Exploring the inner dimensions of the self is always an exciting adventure.  Quite often, beginning experiences are filled with colors and light. The colors experienced contain fascinating prisms and refractors, much like a light show at a planetarium. When we open our feeling senses and bask in the glow of multitudinous color we are enveloped by their essence. Try not to control this experience for doing so will end it. The meditative experience simply requires allowing and feeling. This is an exercise in trust.

The human body is reactionary and steeped in the instinct to survive.  It automatically produces a sense of fear when entering the unfamiliar. In meditation, we are able move beyond this guardedness and into a sense of trust and allowing.  This takes time and practice. Anything worth attaining is worth working at. Do not become discouraged or give up, keep trying.

Beginning meditation is like meeting a new friend.  When it enters your life, you need to make a time and a place to spend with it. You must welcome meditation with an open heart and open arms. By doing so, you will find that meditation is the best friend you have ever had.

Meditative trance is unexplainable because there are no physical experiences with which to compare it.  Experiencing the different meditative states of awareness becomes awesome. The more you practice the more proficient you become.

Beginning meditators, often describe similar experiences. The most frequently described are visions of geometric design and awe inspiring colors of light. This is the third eye or brow chakra beginning to open. This new way of seeing, through the feeling-self, allows us to experience movement of energy.

In a meditative state, one experiences a sense of no time and also a feeling of having gone somewhere.  A feeling of warmth and lightness occur and we often feel aglow.  Our everyday problems are put into new and different perspectives as our whole self, our whole being now perceives for us. A sense of peace pervades our very core and we feel connected with all other life. We can finally get above it all and relax our bodies and our minds.

Creating the time necessary to practice meditative disciplines seems to be reported by many as more difficult than the act itself. To achieve results, it is best in the beginning to sit and practice meditating at least three to five times a week for fifteen to twenty minutes each sitting. Once you set the time aside you can use it to listen to some calm meditative music if you choose. Here you can practice by letting the music envelop and carry you along. You can also take this time to create a sacred space for yourself while experiencing the energy of the light around you. Candles and incense, along with the music, can create a certain ambiance that will aid you in relaxing and meditating.

Reaching and attaining a God state of consciousness is the ultimate goal of meditation.  Once we restore ourselves to our God consciousness, we realize how we are interconnected with all life; how all life is actually one thing, and how we are all one with that life.  This awareness being activated, our life in the third dimensional world begins to change.

Once realizing that consciousness has always and will always exist, we can explore alternative ways of perceiving and living life. This new experience of ourselves as consciousness puts us in communion with our spirit essence. It is through our spirit self that we tap our inner wisdom and understanding and acceptance of our true destiny.

Through the development of this new communion, our spiritual nature will also help us to see the truth and reality of those others we care about in life. With this newfound clarity, we begin to see a different picture of life, a much grander picture that allows life to become a wondrous and exciting journey to behold and explore.





Divine Mother

Message from “The Divine Mother” Through Athene Raefiel, March 19, 2020

Children of Light, We understand your fear and frustration of this Virus that surrounds your planet and seems to threaten the very existence of monetary means worldwide.

This is what was asked for and needed to help balance peoples judgements and equalize all peoples around the world. To those of you who are suffering we ask you pray to “The Holy Light of Life” to assist, stating your individual needs at this time of hardship.

You must keep yourself well and strong to help the weaker and more vulnerable amongst you and help where you can to share with one another when needed.

Though governments are calling this a pandemic, they are also digging deeply into their own pockets to assist.

So much was spoken of the world’s climate change as the great disasters, as fires rage, tsunami’s kill and destroy homes and large swatches of lands; yet until something affected all peoples with the same individual virus, certain peoples would not embrace the whole. 

This virus will reach its peak in the next 4 to 8 weeks as an inoculation will be developed to stop its spread. Yet a whole new way of thinking and understanding will have developed teaching people more compassion with realizations of just how fragile life for humans can be.

There needs to be a greater awareness and understanding of just how quickly life can change for all of you.

Now that the Artic is melting at unpreceded speed, it is still unknown what other ills will be shown. Indeed this is a time to awake, do not let it go unheeded. As you can now see, the whole world can change overnight for everyone.

December Energies

I have been experiencing the cosmic energies as they shift and turn, wow what a ride.

Staying focused daily is a bit challenging (to say the least); of course I am an extreme sensitive.

This energy is a bit obsessive as well as intuitive. Much information of the Divine Hierarchy is continually being downloaded into the Unconscious and subconscious mind as we go about our daily business.

The Month of December will be quite challenging for all of us; some more than others depending on your birth chart and planet placement. You can put it off as being the Christmas month but it will be much more than that.

Entering the Aquarian Age presents major shifts in consciousness along with physical challenges. Business as usual will not survive these shifts. Take care of your body and your mind to assist you during the upcoming Months of December and January 2020 and 2021.

Be blessed my friends and walk in love and light.


The age of Aquarius

We enter the age of Aquarius, December 21st, 2020.

It is imperative that you cleanse and clear all of the energies that no longer serve you and the Universe.

By coming to terms with your past you will be able to forgive and love more readily.

Forgive yourself for being a human with all the emotions you’ve had to learn about and deal with.

You are a direct emanation of the Holy Divine within each and everyone of us.


You are a child of the Universe.

You are wonderful.

Each day when you awaken a beautiful essence is emanated by your being.

You touch the hearts and minds of all those you come in contact with.

You are a flower in a garden of seeds and are developing more color and uniqueness as you grow.


You are an inspiration for others to have vision.

You are the divine and you are light.

Be all that you are each and every moment you breathe.

Be true to yourself and honor the life that you lead.


” Know Thyself.”

Live Channeling

I will be doing a Zoom channeling of Archangels Raphael and Michael Nov.29th, 1 PM Mst

Cost $20.00

Contact me to sign up or

Call me 719-598-8158 in Colorado Springs, Co.

The angels will be bringing us information about 2021 and the future. Don’t miss this.

Make you reservation now.

Blessings, Athene

Maitreya channeling


Through, Athene Raefiel



Some of you have heard of me and others have met with me. My name is Maitreya and I am often referred to as Ascended Master. Please understand that I title myself only as Maitreya.

I have been here since the inception of humankind as a guide and a teacher; many of the souls now inhabiting the Earth Plane knew me in the beginning as “God made Human”. Some refer to me as the brother of Hermes and Aphrodite. Hermes is and was a great friend and teacher of mine. You might say we are colleagues. As most of you have ascertained there were many beings coming and going within the various planes of existence and consciousness while taking on human and other forms at will. There was even a time that many of you did the same.

My sister Aphrodite also known to be the Goddess of Love actually formed from the Sea. She and her family have lived in the waters of your world since the Seas came to be. She is very close with Poseidon and the mermaid sisters that accompany him; they often take the form of Dolphins to teach humans about unconditional love and acceptance.

The Mysteries of the depths are great and even though you’re the species that calls itself man there is still a vast science of knowledge here and many unseen things hidden in, and under the Ocean floors. Many of the Portals that are utilized by the Ashtar Command and other Brotherhoods of Light from other Galaxies lie hidden in such places.

A portal of energy surrounds each and every one of you, allowing us to interact with you through your own spirit awareness and essence. Too often you have failed to truly journey into the interior of the Earth and the Sky to understand their vastness and find the Great Mysteries of time. As time proceeds, it is also time to unearth some of the greatest mysteries and potential mankind has ever witnessed.

Now that Earth’s Astronomers have discovered many new Star Systems, Galaxies and Universes surrounding them, the expectance that other life lives among the stars is finally acceptable. Though many beings live within the Etheric Realms and Some the Astral and Causal, still too there are other brothers and sisters of form much like you. Just as no two beings are alike, so no two stars or planets either. Yet I must stay on track with the message I have come to deliver today.

I am here for my Earthling Brothers and Sisters today as the time has come for transition and transformation to take place on so many levels of themselves and their home planet. There is nothing less on our plate right now than establishing peace and harmony to a world of deceit and anger. The Earth changes you are currently experiencing are helping you to prepare for the future. All are realizing that a more simple existence is best to conserve, as well as live more lightly.

There is so much that Your Governments are not telling you about the resources, water and depletion of soils, that I would ask you to look into these arenas yourself. Educating yourselves is not only intelligent but useful.

Mankind is ultimately getting back to the basics when they are not distracted by the new electronics toys that assist them daily. Too many humans now have found modes and means of distractions that delay their growth process in so many ways and also many levels. Put down your gadgets and pick up your mind. Your mind is greater and full of more depth than any mechanical object. You contain the mind of God within each and every cell of your being; this is a memory necessary for you to find the codes within yourself necessary to transcend and ascend in the future.

When you leave the physical world there will be no electronic gadgets guiding you on your journey. No GPS, no cellphone, no remote control device. If you do not learn how to utilize and structure your own energies and minds you will be left in the dark, struggling to find your way. This in turn will lead you back to a life in the Physical as you will be unable to navigate the upper planes of consciousness.

Your life in that vehicle you call a body is a blessing and an opportunity to move beyond the need for things. Within each of you there is a knowingness that you have lived before and will live again. Your evolutionary path will be what decides where and how you live after each incarnation to the Earth Plane. Though you do not realize it, your attachments to your things will continue to bring you back time and time again.

I know some of you think that God has a cellphone or needs one. When “All that Is,” is Telepathy, then Telepathy is how a cellphone was created. You are each a vessel that can tune into so many realms of sound and beauty by simply using the skills developed through your spiritual disciplines.

I am not adverse to technology for without it you would not be reading my message now. Yet once again using technology to advance yourself in many different directions when you are fully aware of whom you are can become an important aid. Realize that technology is simply here to aid you, not rule you.

Many seeds of love and development are being planted into the hardest hit areas of the world at this time. Too often beings do not pray or ask for help until things reach a tragedy. Since it is Religion that has separated so many, it is acceptance or likeness that will heal and make whole the many.

If you believe yourself to be a being of love then please live that truth. No matter how unloving the world may seem around you, your truth must become relevant on many levels for others to become associated with it.

I will be bringing many new messages forward this year and next as my presence is being called to help in so many areas of human growth and development. You may read and learn about me to discover me and also call to me and my Friends the Ascended Masters, Angels and Also Gods and Goddesses. We are in union and will come with our power and love to assist in this lifetime in all ways.




New Energies

The energies the past few days have been hard to explain. We are in a major time of initiation and growth. Feeling more tired than usual and out of sorts as we chart our way into the future. Please be kind to yourself and realize that we are living within many dimensions all at once.

This year of 2020 has been filled with much consternation for many of us. This year is not over and November, December and January will hold stress and patience to see you through. Remember you are not alone, many have the same feelings and fears that you have.

We are moving into a greater phase of understanding and enlightenment. Know that we cannot remain positive all of the time. We are emotional beings and our emotions are the stepping stones of true feeling and awareness.


New Attunment

Did you feel the recent shift in energy? Are you attuned now to the new frequencies? Everything energy wise has shifted.

If you are having problems then close your eyes, take five deep breaths, center your energies within your heart, and ask that your chakra system be aligned to the new frequencies. It is that simple.

The awakening of souls to their spirit consciousness will be tremendous now. Thousands upon thousands will awaken in the next few months. You must be ready now to be of service and assist these souls through your compassion and understanding. You have already gone through what they are entering, they need your patience and insight.

Open your heart and make your commitment to the soul energies of light that you represent. Create a new contract with your higher- self, telling it what role you wish to play in the grand scheme of things now. Manifest your abundance and resources through your awareness and understanding. Know that you are worthy and deserving to have and obtain all that you need and want.

Visualize yourself within the New World filled with joy, abundance, love, wealth, contentment, and well being. Hold that picture within you everyday. See also your brothers and sisters of light standing with you. Acknowledge the light of Universe added to that and stay focused. Don’t forget to laugh, relax, and have fun.


When attempting to change your perception, beliefs, and mind sets, you are challenging yourself on all levels of self. Realize that we all feel drained sometimes. Take the time needed to look after yourself, honor your body. Your body is always the last part of you to receive the healing energies needed for the complete transformation into the physical. When you were born your DNA recorded all of your past karma and experiences into itself. As you transmute, your DNA changes its recording.

Is it time, to reprogram the old outdated personas you have chosen to lead you before? Is it time to dig deeper into the heart of your own self and see what mysteries lie hidden? Is it time to find yourself and rekindle the joy of life that you know you are? Each and every one of these is a worthwhile venture and can help make you  see many individuals making very positive changes in their lives and themselves. It is not an easy time for any of them. The pain of addressing the old conditioning one carries is often heart wrenching as well as tedious.

Dreams come true. It may even help you to create new and better dreams than before.